
when Google Docs tells you in the middle of starting the Deathly Hallows plot line for Selene that "your document has reached the maximum number of characters."


unseen excerpts #4:
          "'I don't think I'll ever marry,' Marlene sighed, draping her arms over the back of the sofa.
          'Oh, our lovely, lonely spinster, Marlene,' Selene cried dramatically, barely concealing her grin.
          Lily threw her arms around Marlene, giggling. 'Marlene... there's someone out there for you! Just you wait and see!'
          'Maybe I don't want to marry, Lily,' Marlene said stubbornly, crossing her arms. 'Maybe I'd prefer to be a spinster.'
          'That doesn't surprise me one bit,' Selene said, patting Marlene's arm. She and Lily exchanged hidden smiles over their dirty-blonde friend's head.
          Alice, still curled up on the floor between the girls' legs, sighed softly. 'Well, I'd like to marry. I love romance. I want a husband.'
          'And you shall have one, sweet Alice,' Selene said, reaching down to ruffle the brunette's short hair. 'I wouldn't mind so much to be married... but maybe only to a rich man, so that I can spend his money.'
          The girls all laughed raucously.
          'Selene, we all know you're not so vain,' Lily said, shaking her head. 'You'll find a man who'd love you completely, and you'd love him the same.'
          'And that man's name is Remus,' Marlene cut in, grinning slyly.
          'Oh, hush you,' Selene said, her eyes sparkling, unable to fake an angry look."
          -the Gryffindor common room, 1975


some of my character building notes for my newest project (which if you haven't figured out what it is yet, you'll definitely be able to guess now):
          - selene and sirius: that of complete loyalty and sacrifice. there was a true understanding of nature that couldn’t be had with any other. could have been more if there wasn’t guilt and a sense of reluctant duty that held them back. platonic soulmates.
          - selene and remus: it should not have been possible. the odds were against it. and they didn’t care. it was a relationship of complete devotion and love. two halves of the same whole. true soulmates.
          - selene and james: they protected each other. they were siblings. they fought, they bickered, they argued, but at the end of the day, there was a loyalty and true friendship that couldn’t be broken.
          - selene and lily: a breath of fresh air. a loud laugh in the midst of a quiet room. they were sisters of the truest sense. there was complete openness and non-judgement between the two.
          - selene and peter: an understanding of who the other truly was, and not who they thought they should be. there was a fondness there, but also an awareness of a wall that was put up… to protect one another.
          No official release date yet, but it's coming, I promise!!




unseen excerpts #3:
          "Remus gritted his teeth, his eyes casting a sorry look to the ground several meters away from him, where his wand lay too far out of his reach.
          Rosier followed his gaze, and his face split into an evil grin. 'Ah, how unfortunate. I suppose you'll have to do without.'
          'I suppose I will,' Remus forced out through clenched teeth. He glanced around anxiously, hoping that Selene would suddenly appear and be his saving grace.
          Where was she anyway? Surely nothing bad had happened to her...
          His internal questions were indeed answered, thought not in the way he had expected, when he heard the roar of an automobile engine and a flash of red in the edge of his peripherals.
          Remus hardly had time to lunge out of the way as the red sedan came speeding past him, slamming into Rosier and throwing him backwards at least thirty feet.
          His back hit the side of a bricked building, and he slid to the ground, unmoving.
          Remus only paid him enough mind to ensure he was unconscious before he turned his attention to his rescuer. The engine of the car was smoking heavily, and from his place on the ground, Remus watched the driver's side door be thrown open, and Selen stumbled out, panting and holding her head.
          'Would you believe it was my first time driving one of these things?' she huffed, leaning on the car door heavily. 'Wasn't as complicated as I expected it to be.'
          Remus gaped at her. 'Where the hell did you find a car?'
          'Is that what this thing's called?' she said, casting a glance at the still smoking vehicle behind her. 'I found it on the side of the road. Don't worry, I'll return it.'
          Remus heaved himself off of the ground. 'I don't think they'll want it back now,' he said, gesturing to the streams of dark gray smoke issuing from the hood of the car.
          Selene eyed them somewhat apologetically. 'Ah, right... Maybe not.' Her eyes shifted over to the side a bit to squint at the dark unmoving shape that was Rosier. 'Is he dead?'"
          -sometime in 1979


this one has to be my fav so far  selene with a car HAHA


unseen excerpts #2:
          "'Well, we're leaving Moony in your care, Selly,' Sirius said. 'Watch him carefully and bring him back to us in one piece, please.'
          Selene raised her eyes skeptically. "You three don't need to tiptoe around him, you know,' she said. 'I'm sure Remus can take care of himself.'
          'Oh, we're well aware,' James said casually. 'We're not trying to protect him. We're trying to protect others from him.'
          Selene let out a loud laugh, and stopped immediately when the boys' serious expression did not falter.
          'Oh, you're not joking,' she said, blinking at them.
          'Now it's your turn, Selly,' Sirius said, 'so you and Moony have fun tonight!'
          The three Marauders disappeared down the corridor, leaving Selene standing next to a bemused Remus.
          'I don't think you're that bad,' Selene said, shrugging.
          'And I'd like to keep it that way,' Remus said slyly."
          -Hogwarts 1975


oh i love these sm 


unseen excerpts #1:
          "Selene stared at the four boys, trying to figure them out. Why call themselves the 'Marauders?' What kind of stupid name was that, anyway? Of course, she supposed, quite naturally, what else did she expect from those idiots? But then again, that Remus Lupin wasn't really much of an idiot. She wondered why on earth he'd waste his time hanging out with the likes of James Potter and Sirius Black. 
          Selene couldn't really say much, though. Not when Sirius was her only friend."