
I know you guys are waiting for the chapter too eagerly. I know the target is not completed. But it's not about the target all the time when I don't upload a chapter guys. You can check before too I updated before the chapters hit the target because I am loyal too my readers who does vote and comment 
          	Please note this seriously guys I am not updating because I have my reasons, my exams are going plus I am sick for a week, I am having headaches, not aebl to sleep. Still I am writing little everyday just because I can give you chapters I am inactive on Instagram and wattpad.  I am only opening insta to post reels. I am not reading any book if you wonder. 
          	Please stop accusing me guys. I know you guys love the story and want update but please try to understand my POV 
          	I hope I can give you update at Saturday  
          	Thank you 


@dumbheaded_ No worry take rest and take your time and all the best for exam


I apologise for posting this without permission but being a fresher I really need someone to go through my story and share their honest opinion.
          Please do comment on the same and don't hesitate to state the areas where improvement is necessary.
          Thank you.


Hello author,
          D here.
          I am a new writer and am really inspired or should I rather say in love with your work. I just have one request to you and to all those reading this. Please help and support me as writting is my passion and I too want to use that to reach somewhere. The link to my book    