
Diamond In The Rough Chapter 8 is out now! I’m writing the next one immediately after publishing Chapter 8. Enjoy reading and tell me if you see any errors and spelling mistakes! ❤️


@drhoneyxx Thanks for the amazing chaptee


I had a very hard time writing a few scenes in Chapter 34: Shadowheart part 2 because there was some action. I hope you can imagine whatever I wrote. Wrote it out over and over again but it was quite difficult to describe what I had in my brain. Still, I hope you enjoy the suspense, mystery and secrets. More to come soon! ( I feel like George RR Martin because I am writing slow as heck like him! I’m sorry…Wish I could do it even better and faster. But worry not, my series won’t take 13 years to write only one book )


@Winsa121 I’m not giving out a deadline because I never get to meet them. I’m writing my own pace, hope my readers stick around for the end of the duology at least.


@drhoneyxx You did a great job.. I enjoyed it. Waiting for upcoming chapters.. Haha. And btw just now thought how much more time will it take to complete.. But thanks for your efforts 


Diamond In The Rough Chapter 7 is out now! Enjoy reading and share your thoughts! ❤️


            I liked their not so called 'date'. It makes me amused how Sarawat and Tine behave around each other!! I really wanted time to fall first, so that I can laugh at his reactions and words!! It will be too cute if the foul mouthed Tine propose 
            Either way, I really enjoyed these two, as well as all of Sarawat households. Whenever things focus on Tines family, the reality of humans, I get serious! 
            I feel so bad for chanon


Diamond In The Rough Chapter 6 is up now? Give it a read and share your thoughts! ❤️


@drhoneyxx it was great. I enjoyed and kinda cried tbh. I'm already waiting for the Next update :)


I’m sorry for the delayed updates but as you know, summer season is busy. I’m still searching for a job (no luck in my small town), my immigrant relatives came back to our country and I spend as much time as I can with them and I’m all over the country, travelling. Still, I’m managing somehow to write at least a 1500-2000 words per day. I’m half way done with Diamond In The Rough update and when I upload it, I’ll begin working on some smut shots to post. Please stay tuned and I’ll see you next time! 
          - LIA ☆