
@terra_nova Awe thank you! And it was my absolute pleasure, I'm really loving your stories. To be honest I started reading Invincible when I saw the taygetsthegay tag and thought, "Oh hey, I bet this is gonna be a really cute little lgbt love story," and now here we are at chapter sixty eight with hardly any romance expressed and I couldn't care less because the story in itself is that captivating that the romance doesn't even matter. You are a great writer and I couldn't possibly like Invincible any more, it's ah-mazing and I hope more people pick up on that.


@dreamscaping this is such a lovely thing to say, seriously! I'm so pleased that you're liking it even without the romance (so far aha), cos i guess it's mainly supposed to be about friendship and individuals growing up and just, it means a lot that that is captivating! thank you :) this was really encouraging to read :)


@terra_nova Awe thank you! And it was my absolute pleasure, I'm really loving your stories. To be honest I started reading Invincible when I saw the taygetsthegay tag and thought, "Oh hey, I bet this is gonna be a really cute little lgbt love story," and now here we are at chapter sixty eight with hardly any romance expressed and I couldn't care less because the story in itself is that captivating that the romance doesn't even matter. You are a great writer and I couldn't possibly like Invincible any more, it's ah-mazing and I hope more people pick up on that.


@dreamscaping this is such a lovely thing to say, seriously! I'm so pleased that you're liking it even without the romance (so far aha), cos i guess it's mainly supposed to be about friendship and individuals growing up and just, it means a lot that that is captivating! thank you :) this was really encouraging to read :)


@infinityhope0 Mine would most definitely have to be Through the Dark. It helped me feel loved whenever I found myself stuck in a really dark place inside my mind, which was a /lot/ back when the album first came out. It almost felt like the boys were all personally cheering me on to get better ❤


@infinityhope0 YOU UNDERSTAND ME. Lol but yeah those are my thoughts exactly!


@dreamscaping right? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Harry. There's just four other boys in the band and it seems like they're hardly getting any love.


@infinityhope0  Sooo true, I really like Harry but sometimes it'd be nice to see some more love for the other boys on here


this message may be offensive
So I just finished watching Alphas on Netflix and I have things to say, I am so pissed off damn it. Who the hell do those executives think they are to cancel the show with a massively unresolved cliffhanger like that and leave us without any closure whatsoever?!
          Like WHAT THE FUCK MAN I'm so mad because you can't just end the show like that, not with Gary running around Grand Central Station while everyone else is either dead or unconscious. And the little music they decided to play for the part? Cute, real cute. "The only living boy in New York" I almost ruptured an artery I was so pissed.
          I NEED CLOSURE DAMN IT! WHYYYY. Oh god I'm never gonna forget this... I'll never get closure and my mind will remind me of this fucking ending for the rest of my life. 
          Thanks SyFy, you're the real mvp. You bastards.


@infinityhope0 Awe don't feel bad hun your stories are wonderful /because/ you push yourself so hard and you have amazing~ talent! And if you ever need help, I'm always here :)


@dreamscaping thank you! <3<3 writing used to be effortless for me and it's just a bit frustrating that it isn't anymore. and thank you, i'll keep that in mind. :)