
Writing Goals for 2020:
          	- rethink What I Desire and rework previous chapters before continuing
          	- rework The Hogwarts Games and finish Defiance (yes, I am bringing this gem back!)


I forgot to put this in my message earlier. I don’t know what to do with The Hogwarts Games now that I won’t be working on it. I am considering taking it off. If you want me to leave those chapters up, comment that and I will just update the title to say that it is discontinued.


Hey everyone. It’s definitely been a long time since I’ve posted anything on here. 3 years. I feel like I need to update you guys on what has been going on and what will be happening in the future for this profile and any works that will be uploaded. 
          When I was first writing on here, I was going through a big change in my life. I was moving and I have to get used to a school that was completely different than I was used to and my time management skills were horrific (they’re better now, but still not the best). It was best for me not to post anything and focus on my schoolwork. A few years have past and I am not the same person I was. I am actually in middle college now. While school is still my top priority, I am definitely writing more than I used to.
          As for The Hogwarts Games, after lots of consideration and thought, I have decided to put the trilogy to bed. Like I said earlier, I am not the same person I was back then and it does not feel right and I don’t have the motivation to continue it. There is a possibility that I may bring it back and the previous chapters will be revamped, but at this point I highly doubt it. I apologize for those who really liked the chapters that I posted. I do think you would rather see chapters that I put my best effort into and am highly passionate about than something I can barely get through.
          Some good news is that I have been working on a Vampire Diaries story that I plan to post either late this year or in 2020. I have already made a cover that I love and I hope you guys enjoy it when I upload it on here. I will give more information on it in the future.
          Thank you to those who are still her. I could not be more grateful for your support. 
          If you have read this far, comment the phrase ‘Hello, brother’. 
          Thank you so much for reading this message and I will talk to you soon.


I'm looking for ideas for the next two books in this trilogy crossover of Harry Potter/Hunger Games called The Hogwarts Games. The next two books are called The Hogwarts Games: Rebellion and The Hogwarts Games: Revolution. I am up to all suggestions and we will see what will unfold in this series.