
promise i’m writing guys! i’m just writing some very long imagines for both frostpudding and the x reader book. please be patient as i try to get them out, i’ve started some new ones and i’ve almost got a few done!


hello darlings, i just wanted to pop in to let you guys know i’m still alive haha! :) i’ve been writing a lot for my 20k - 50k word count stories for my frostpudding imagines book and i’m super duper excited to publish them soon! for now my requests are closed for all imagine books so i can catch up with the ones i already have, and my requests will re-open once all are completed. to my followers on both Wattpad and AO3, you know that I haven’t updated on there in a loooong time and i am so so sorry about that :( my laptop broke back in August and AO3’s mobile phone layout is funky so i’ve been waiting for my desktop to get here first before updating on that website. i will be updating archive with a few of the oneshots i have posted on here and not there to hopefully get some activity back! x


hello lovelies, just an update that i’m working on my Tom Hiddleston x Reader imagines book right now! I’m trying to be more active with this book but i’ve been busy moving houses for the past couple of weeks :) i’m very excited to publish this next imagine, i’ve put a lot of work into making it better than the rest. 


Just wanted to come on here and say wow. Like I'm genuinely shocked rn - my TH/LL X Reader Imagines book almost has 10K READS. WHAT. Thank you, all of you, y'all don't know how happy I am seeing people enjoy my works. I promise I'll be updating it soon, but as I said a few days ago, I've only really had motivation to write about Frostpudding, so I'm going to finish all of my tomki drafts before I finish the ones I have in the other book. I have ten drafts for tomki that are all around 10k words each, and they're going to finish being 20-30k. I have thirteen drafts for the regular book that will all be 3-5k words. :)


to my TH/LL imagines book readers, I apologize for the snail paced updates lol. I haven’t hardly had any motivation for x reader writing. The only motivation i’ve had has been for writing Loki with Tom. I will be updating the imagined book eventually, but for now it’s just going to be a lot of stuff written about my babies :)