
Honestly, I’m really surprised that my new Antarctica x Greenland book already got views.


Thanks for the follow:) 


@doodle1234noddle Cool! I hope you enjoy my books! :) 


@AuggieGreen well, I just like to follow random people to support them


@doodle1234noddle Just out of curiosity, may I ask why you decided to follow? :) 


TYSM for 24 followers guys!!! I appreciate it soooo much!!!


@doodle1234noddle YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️




@Meloveanimals546 lols, have you tried using the website to log in?


@TrueSingapore okay, I finally figured out how to log in


@TrueSingapore well, no you aren’t (I’m the same person that created this account but for some reason the stupid phone ain’t letting me log in to another account so I’m being forced to use this account that I just made) whew, I’ve never in my life used the word ‘account’ so many times


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
“Ahh! Ah-! Yes! T-there!” Moaned the singaporean as his horny ass teacher not his prostate. 
          It was so big… ha.. so groan… Lon and nice… he could do this forever…
          Meanwhile, Nato was fucking thrusting in and out of Singapore at an abnormal speed, grabbing his hips to hold him in place as he trusted in and out of Singapore.
          “Fuck..(damn you auto correct. Duck, Buck duck duck-) you’re so tight and warm..” moaned the teacher, going even faster and faster.
          Singapore grabbed on to the bedsheets as he let out a string of moans.
          Singapore attempted to get up as NATO and him came and NATO pulled out, but he was suddenly flipped around and the huge ass meat stick was shoved into his booty.
          His mind went black and he saw stars as his teach thrusted harder and faster into him.
          This was painful and pleasureful bliss.
          NATO slammed into him one last time before coming, painting his insides white.
          “Huh,woo, uh… I… I don’t think. Can stand anymore…” Nato gladly carries him and bathed them both.
          A few months later… 
          Singapore had child Ren!!! Congrats Singa!!!
          Singapore: grumbles as he breast feeds his kid.
          NATO: giggles nervously before backing away.
          NATO: caught in his wife’s/ student’s warth


Guys help I accidentally broke off one of my tooth and now it’s bleeding a lot and feels weird- help-


Uhh… thanks for the advice, but I’m fine now


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
Holy… since I can’t update my book on the phone I’ll do it here and post when I don’t feel like shits…
          NATO x Singapore smut?
          A shadow loomed over the unsuspecting singaporean as he texted his brother secretly.
          “So, my fellow idiot, may I ask WHY you dare to text during my class? I thought there was a ban for that?” 
          The voice stopped the boy stone cold. He was caught.shit.
          He gulped. Mr. NATO was by far the fiercest teacher Singapore had ever had the few years that he was in this school. Not good.
          Singa quickly offed his phone and hid it behind his back nervously.
          “Y-yes Mr. NATO?” He answered.
          “Don’t play dumb.” NATO said. “Hand over the phone and explain to me why you’re using it in class.”
          Now, the whole class was staring at him.
          “I…I… sorry Mr nato… I shouldn’t have used my phone in your class, but I have a reason for that…”
          “And? What is it?”
          He didn’t respond.
          “Spit it out already! And look at me when I’m talking!” 
          He swore he hears his teacher mumble under his breathe: This stupid kid… does this class have no respect for me at all..
          Singapore quickly looked up and said, “my…my brother said that my little bro was hurt… so I had to check…”
          Grumbling, nato said, “tell me your phone password, hand it over to me and go to detention.”
          Before Singapore could protest, nato cut him off. “Now. No excuses.”
          Later… (I have to write less because this thing has a word limit… and I’m already at one thousand and four hundred something words…
          Singapore let out a soft moan as his teacher slowly stroked his cock, it felt so nice, but it also felt so wrong.
          Slowly, he felt himself being undressed as he was pushed harder into the metal shelf. The metal felt cool on his back, but it hurt so bad. (Is it me or does this sentence seem to rhyme?)
          Singapore let out another moan as his teacher began to grind his cock against him.
          His whole face was red. 
          Singapore was so close to his climax until nato stopped, rubbing his chest.
          “We’ll continue this at my house.”
          Hit word limit.sorry