
          	best late present ever man


this message may be offensive
i'm so fucking nervous because i have an oral presentation tuesday and we have to send our PowerPoint today, and i'm still not finished and i'm not home rn so i just cried a little 
          i hate oral presentations with everything in my body, and my teacher is so mean i'm so not ready and i just want to skip it but it's 25% of my grade this trimester so it's kinda important UGHHH i hate my life


@TrashPanda137  thank you so much for the encouragement haha <33 let's hope that works


@dontreallylikemyname nooooo I'm so sorry
             :( you're going to do great, just pretend you're the MC in a Wattpad book or your favorite movie character giving a bomb presentation and showing all the stupid ppl (your teacher) you're the smartest, most confident person in the world


oop-- i think i don't really like big changes because i'm literally crying because my sister and mum changed all of my bedroom's furniture's placement without telling me, so now i'm going to have to change my whole 'routine' because i've never changed my room in the 4 years i live in this house, and i was really used to how it was before. the worst thing is that they didn't even let me mentally prepare myself for the change
          (also i'm going to sleep with my lights on because i'm petty like that (the light switch used to be above my bed, but now i have to actually get up to turn them down))