
rebecca ferguson being cast in the peaky blinders film was the news I didn't know I needed today!♡


so excited for it to come out! ❤️


@dixondarlin This is news, indeed. I'm just glad they're making a film before everyone ages out of their respective roles! I don't foresee a reboot of this EVER being as good as the original...


rebecca ferguson being cast in the peaky blinders film was the news I didn't know I needed today!♡


so excited for it to come out! ❤️


@dixondarlin This is news, indeed. I'm just glad they're making a film before everyone ages out of their respective roles! I don't foresee a reboot of this EVER being as good as the original...


a big thank you to everyone who has helped my Thomas Shelby One Shots reach 75k reads this week!❤
          As I watch the numbers grow, witnessing the amount of love and support I have received on this collection of stories, I can't help but feel gratitude deep in my bones for the way you have embraced me and my writing.
          This book started out of a single passion and even as my consistency in both writing and sharing new pieces with you all has certainly changed over the past year or so, the fact that those of you out there still continue to read, vote, comment and simply support these stories has a major impact on my heart!❤
          Thank you for your patience, thank you for your love and support, your encouragement and kindness, thank you for being a ray of light in amongst my darkness. I appreciate you all so much!❤


@dixondarlin Hip hip huzzah!  Keep it up, in your own way. :-)


congratulations!!! ❤️❤️ one of the best books I’ve read on here, you deserve all the love and recognition 


some days you manage to write over a thousand words, some days it's only a hundred and then there are some days/weeks... when you just have to remind yourself that it's alright to rest❤️


i really needed to hear this. thank you <3


sitting down to write and managing 1200 words is a really nice way to start the day!❤


@dixondarlin that’s what I’m sayin but very seldom does that happen over here LOL


wow congrats! great way to start day ❤️


I miss you all!❤
          I hope you're all doing well or at the very least, getting yourself through each day the best that you can... because somedays that in itself is a major victory and more than enough!
          I hope to get back to my writing soon and find my footing again on here. But I wanted to check in, say hello and that I miss you all dearly!❤


Miss you and your writing! I’m in the same place ❤️❤️


Doing what I can with what I hav— in the time available—is everything. 


@dixondarlin omgggggg missed you hun hope you are doing very well and thanks for checking in on us, i'm here for ya <3 take all the time you need


after not being able to write for weeks, sitting down and managing to write over 1000 words feels like a triumph.❤️
          definitely far from where I'd like to be, from where I've been and isn't guaranteed to continue, but I'm doing what I can, when I can and I'm trying to give myself grace and kindness to say that that is enough. ❤️


1000 words are A LOT!  I am very proud of you


Way to go! It IS a triumph of the highest order. 


I know I've been rather MIA on here this past month, but June has been a rough one. These last few weeks have been nothing but increased chronic pain levels and a persistent flare up of symptoms that have left me with what feels like absolutely nothing to give and just barely picking myself up and getting through the day, just to wake up and do it all over again the next day. 
          I haven't been able to write. I was spoiled by a few chances in the very early days of the month, but it has since been impossible to do what I yearn and miss doing. Its impacted my presence here and I miss all of you dearly, checking in when I can and reading and messaging when I'm able.
          Seeing the bikeriders in theaters this past week was the highlight of my month, to say the very least, but even so, those small outings come with their own repercussions that I feel in every physical aspect. It isn't an easy feat for someone who has all of the chronic challenges as I do, something seemingly simple for others, but coming with a multitude of difficulties for me. But it was a bright spot in the darkness and I hold tightly to that.
          I want to say thank you for continuing to be such a support system here for me. Your continued love, encouragement, kindness and reading of my works is such an uplifting thing for me that I appreciate more than you know. Thank you for having patience, understanding and empathy. For lifting my spirits, making me smile and making me feel loved. 
          I miss you all. I miss my writing. But I am so thankful for each and every one of you and I am continuing to hold onto hope for better days ahead. ❤


your strength inspires me, you are more powerful than you know ❤️ your talent is endless and no matter the time that has passed you continue to write so beautifully. you will always have my support! no matter what! I’ve been incredibly busy but you are in my thoughts and I always hope that you are well. I’m sending you all my love and I pray that things get better and you have many more bright spots. love you very much ❤️


my dearest, I hope the time will come soon when your pain will ease and you will be able to breathe easily. I wish you all the strength and I send you the warmest hugs and love, hoping for your pain to go away. Stay strong! 