
UPDATE; Masters Orders new chapters are being released soon.. 


Hey guys so I’m going to create a new book about my life as a mom of my son. Anyone be interested in reading it let me know 


@divamaddie I would be very interested. Motherhood hands down is the most difficult job in the world. I know because I am one to three kids. As close as real, true fathers go involved in helping...it does not compare to that bond between us and the babies. It remains.  Turning out functional, rational, productive members of society that actually get we are entitled to nothing and responsibility of living within a world is up to us. If a parent can do that and create a child grown up to know understand there is no such thing as political correctness, men are FABULOUS and not the devils made out to be, there will always be a class system, and that not everyone wins even if they should...reality is stranger than fiction. Obviously I am opinionated. I just think our society needs basics. Kids are given false and meaningless affirmation all the time. When REALLY true praise is given they don't want it or believe in the sentiment of it. Like battles being wisely chosen which to engage with, adults need to understand the necessity of this skill applied in meaningless praises. Don't think it gets easier. The more mobile children are is when your real work begins. Here are  names of songs that I love: Rolling Stones Mother's Little Helpers, John Mayer Mothers Be Good To Your Daughters, Nora Jones Little Girl On Her Own, Jimmy Buffett Little Miss Magic, Billy Joel Goodnight My Angel. 