
I was unaware of the chapter limit for books and so the Lies Of P book has officially been completed, I wore an update on the introduction page if anyone was curious 


@digital_grim Oh okay, and a multi-fandom oneshot book is okay with me because i've read those books before :) 


@DragonGirlsHeart2000 I was going to upload some of my W.I.Ps but I've been also thinking of doing a multi-fandom oneshot book where I take and write requests from any fandom so I can open that up if you're interested 


@digital_grim Aww, that sucks. I was gonna request another AU imagine, but unfortunately that's how Wattpad is :( 
          	  By the way, are you gonna make another imagine book with a different game? Or a normal book? I was just wondering. 


I was unaware of the chapter limit for books and so the Lies Of P book has officially been completed, I wore an update on the introduction page if anyone was curious 


@digital_grim Oh okay, and a multi-fandom oneshot book is okay with me because i've read those books before :) 


@DragonGirlsHeart2000 I was going to upload some of my W.I.Ps but I've been also thinking of doing a multi-fandom oneshot book where I take and write requests from any fandom so I can open that up if you're interested 


@digital_grim Aww, that sucks. I was gonna request another AU imagine, but unfortunately that's how Wattpad is :( 
            By the way, are you gonna make another imagine book with a different game? Or a normal book? I was just wondering. 


Hello! Hello dear writer, I want to ask you, where do you get so many ideas for each chapter?.... I'm playing the Pino game and I honestly couldn't find a better story than yours.
          A big greeting from Ecuador :D


@The_Gatsby_Belle I mostly get inspiration from either Tiktok or Tumblr because I get a lot of ideas from people's art and listening to music


can I just say how talented of a writer you are? you post so fast, write a ton of words in each chapter, and you put some heart and tender moments in them. truly, you deserve to have recognition in lies of p community and I adore your writing! it’s versatile and detailed! i look forward to more of your stories! lies of p needs more fanfiction fr and you out here carrying it and setting the bars for us! 


@mimiyunamiru I appreciate your kind words! Truly they mean a lot and I agree that the lies of p could use more content because the fandom is already too small so again thank you for the kind words, they really motivate me to keep writing more for the community


Dude! Something weird happened idk what to do!!! 
          What happened:
          Friend: hey um boy (I won't put his name) told me to tell you that he likes you
          Me: * confused and a little big flustered * what?
          Friend: do you like him?
          Me: IDK *still is confused and flustered 
          I'm kinda scared to see what's happens tomorrow 


this message may be offensive
Fuck you, i told you you were pretty and you are nice and that people like you and you didnt believe me


~ m a k e   a n   a r t b o o k ~