
          	Here’s my YouTube channel if anyone wants to watch my videos. Or hear my music.


Yo, dH, got a question, in the Rail Wars universe is your sister chill? Like is she a friendly person? Does she share the interest in trains in this universe? Or is she on a completely different career path?


@kuwebby2 Aight. That works. Also if you go to my YouTube channel dieHero you’ll find songs on it that I made. Three of them involve me, you, and Doc. When you check them out let me know ow what you think.


I’m pretty sure I am
            As for your sister…maybe she joins for fun and the opportunity to compete in a friendly way but ends up as an accidental villain?


Hey, are you subscribed to my YouTube channel?


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Yeah! Today’s my birthday and I’m turning 19.
          Fuck my life.


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Fair enough, then again, why worry? It’s the North Koreans and fucking China. With how backwards they are and how angry the Chinese people are with the Government, I’d say we’re gonna be fine, I think their nukes don’t even work half the time


@kuwebby2 You do Realize that we can launch missles from our shores that can take them out within minutes right?


Could you please update your older stories so we can see what is going on.


If you’re talking about The Last Battleship I’ve started a rewrite of it since I didn’t like the way I did it.


Hello everyone. This is the last month I’ll be on Wattpad. I have joined up in the military.


@kuwebby2 I still need to take the ASVAB. 


Holy crap! Really? Congrats and Godspeed man.


@dieHero congratulations. Please be safe may God be with you


Well, I'm going to ask you, could you help me write the chapters of my fanfic?
          I do my fanfics with a co-operative, but the person doing the co-operative with me writes the chapters of the fanfic and we talk about what the chapter will be like for the person writing the chapters of the fanfic
          Also, some people tell me to do my own fanfic, because it's not their fanfic and it's mine, and I don't have a problem if the person helps me write my fanfic. 
          and after that, most people stop talking to me about it or block me. 
          What I want to do is bring a different way of thinking about fanfiction to someone else and bring new ways of doing fanfiction to them. 
          and also help me finish my fanfic, as well as hers, and I'll give you as much time as you need to do the fanfic chapter.
          And I also need a yes or no answer to reach a definitive conclusion. 
          And it's also the person's choice to respond to the fact that I've written to them too.


and i'll also take part in the version you made in your profile, you can put me as a contributor to the fanfic in the description. and you'll also like some of my fanfic ideas.
          another one you'll continue with the fanfic,and a different version to mine
          I read the fanfic you made, could you put the two brothers in the fanfic as usual?
          you're also working on chapter five of the fanfic ?