
You must all be sick of me at this point. My living situation with my extremely toxic parents is worsening which is worsening my mental health to the point where it feels like my body is shutting down on me. I've always had memory problems due to my trauma but it's getting even worse recently and I've completely forgotten where I was going with all my stories. I'm sorry but I think I might end up discontinuing them because I really have no idea what to do. I'm not even sure if I want to post one shots anymore, everything feels like an incredible effort and it's already hard enough to seem functional enough at school. I really appreciate everyone who has been waiting around for me but don't worry, there are plenty of better fanfic writers writers out there, I mean just go to Ao3. I love you all but I think this is goodbye.
          	Bye my loves.


@depressedzest dont worry we all respect you and love your writing never be ashamed of urself and put ur needs before ous
          	  lov you


@depressedzest hey, it’s okay. take time for yourself, relax and don’t worry about it. you need to think about yourself and your situation because it’s really hard, ive the same toxic parents and it’s really difficult. 
          	  So don’t stress it, take care of yourself. 
          	  ily <33


@depressedzest Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. I know you're feeling terrible right now, but congratulations for making the first step to take care of yourself.


ik this is like superrrr late but I just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better and don't feel pressured to go back writing. Come back when your fully better and not halfway. But yea I'm not really good with this type of stuff so I hope u get better


You must all be sick of me at this point. My living situation with my extremely toxic parents is worsening which is worsening my mental health to the point where it feels like my body is shutting down on me. I've always had memory problems due to my trauma but it's getting even worse recently and I've completely forgotten where I was going with all my stories. I'm sorry but I think I might end up discontinuing them because I really have no idea what to do. I'm not even sure if I want to post one shots anymore, everything feels like an incredible effort and it's already hard enough to seem functional enough at school. I really appreciate everyone who has been waiting around for me but don't worry, there are plenty of better fanfic writers writers out there, I mean just go to Ao3. I love you all but I think this is goodbye.
          Bye my loves.


@depressedzest dont worry we all respect you and love your writing never be ashamed of urself and put ur needs before ous
            lov you


@depressedzest hey, it’s okay. take time for yourself, relax and don’t worry about it. you need to think about yourself and your situation because it’s really hard, ive the same toxic parents and it’s really difficult. 
            So don’t stress it, take care of yourself. 
            ily <33


@depressedzest Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. I know you're feeling terrible right now, but congratulations for making the first step to take care of yourself.


For those who don't know already if you aren't up to date with my oneshots book, I'm currently taking a break to focus on my mental health as I'm really struggling at the moment. I promise I'm not discontinuing my stories, but there just won't be updates for a while, maybe just a couple of weeks.
          Have a lovely day/night everyone and thank you for supporting me!


@depressedzest we understant love take ur time ❤


Anyone got some recommendations for fics on Wattpad that are good? I feel like all the ones I find suck. They can be haikyuu, aot, jjk or bts. Let me know your faves and I'll read them!


My fics ;)) jkjk 
            Actually I don’t know any sorry 


@depressedzest  i really love save me mafuyu x uenoyama by @soralinna


Hey all, I know I said I would update today but I ended up spending the day with family (it sucked) and I'm really tired. I also don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow since I'm spending the day with a special someone and then have dinner plans with family, but stay tooned, more will come soon! Apologies for the delay


Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been updating much these last couple days, I have just been so exhausted and unmotived, I'm sure many can relate. I might be taking a small break, I just have been having massive writers' block recently. My summer holidays also end next week and I'll be going back to school so from then on, my updates will be in lesser amounts. Thanks to everyone who is supporting me, it means a lot


@depressedzest take care of yourself bae and take your time


@depressedzest Please take care of yourself and don't worry about producing content. We all need breaks and no matter how long it takes, we'll be here waiting.