
So some idiot decided it would be a fun idea to report my hard work of my book “A boy with an eating disorder- A journal” I will be restarting it regardless. Cause screw those people that reported me for no good reason. I do no condone ED’s I just needed a place to talk about it and share my recovery story. I am also always willing to take down any content deemed triggering so that reporting doesn’t need to happen. 


@demxns--inside hi have you restarted it yet it was a favorite  of mine


So some idiot decided it would be a fun idea to report my hard work of my book “A boy with an eating disorder- A journal” I will be restarting it regardless. Cause screw those people that reported me for no good reason. I do no condone ED’s I just needed a place to talk about it and share my recovery story. I am also always willing to take down any content deemed triggering so that reporting doesn’t need to happen. 


@demxns--inside hi have you restarted it yet it was a favorite  of mine


kinda interesting..your transgender ftm I'm opposite I'm mtf except it's not really male to female..I was never a boy. just have a physical body I didn't want or ask for. anyway I know I messaged you fur a reason.anyway I hope you're well