
Hi guys, it's been a while since I last posted a post, I'm at a cross roads and wanted your opinion: I have a rough copy of a new story I've written or should I finish Love Between Classes first?


@dececcoabc Can you please finish Love Between Classes?


Hey, hello....
          I recently completed reading your book "Love between classes"... All I can say is it was just fantabulous and stellar .... You just got the minuend details and the personal feelings on spot!!.❤️❤️But I was also disappointed on finding it incomplete... So, just a humble request.... Why don't you finish it off?? Especially when you have received such good reviews and everybody's been asking for an update.... Have you forgotten about it or some other reason (with all due respect)???


I saw your thread in the Fan Fiction club about Harry Potter Fan Fictions. Well just wanted to let you know I have one. If you'd like to check it out, it's finished and I'm working on a sequel. Honestly I wrote it 3-4 years ago so it might not be my best writing, but my sequel will be tons better.