
I've finally finished the first story in the MHA series!! If you all haven't checked it out please do so and let me know what you all think about it :) I would appreciate it so very very much!


Hello everyone,
          It's sad to say this but I'm gonna have to take a small break from updating Half God Half Devil. I just got word a few minutes ago that my grandmother passed away. She fought a long battle with diabetes and congestive heart failure.
          I hope you all understand that I'll be taking a few days off from updating but I will be back. Thank you


Hey Everyone!!
          Just a quick and friendly reminder that I'll be updating Half God Half Devil tomorrow May 29th at 10:30AM EST! I'll be giving  you all 4 chapters to read to make up for not publishing! That's one chapter for Friday, one chapter for Saturday, one chapter for Sunday (today), and one for Monday!!
          I really appreciate when you all take the time to read the story or any of my stories in general! It inspires me to write more and more each day!! So thank you!
          Oh and when you read..if you all could do me a huge favor by voting for each read chapter that would be much appreciated as well as sending a few comments my way letting me know what you think of it...oh man that would be amazingly awesome!
          Thanks to you all again and don't forget! I'll be updating Half God Half Devil tomorrow May 29th at 10:30AM EST
          Have a wonderful day!!


Hey Everyone!!
          I just wanted to let you all know quickly that I won't be updating Half God Half Devil today because... it's my birthday! I will pick back up with publishing chapters on Monday (May 29th at 10:30AM EST).
          I thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to read Half God Half Devil and don't worry the story is far from over.
          Anyways I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you all on Monday!! 


Hey Everyone!
          So I was thinking about something and I need opinions on this. Do you all like it when the whole story is published or do you all like when chapters to the story are published?
          I was just wondering this because I was thinking about just publishing all of the remaining chapters of the first story in the My Hero Academia series.
          So if you all could please give me your opinions on what I should do I would greatly appreciate it! Also I won't be seeing your comments until Monday since tomorrow is Mother's Day and I'll be busy busy busy with cooking a nice dinner for my mom and granny.


@battie1894 That is very true. I like the whole updating chapter by chapter thing too. After a lot of thought I think I'm gonna keep doing chapter by chapter. Thank you so much for commenting your opinion. I really really appreciate it :)


@deathpunch13 Personally I don't mind one way or the other I like it being chapter by chapter because it gives me something to look forward to but I know some.people are.impatient


Firstly I wanna say thank you all who have read so far! It's amazing and I appreciate it so very very much!
          I'll be updating the story today at 11:30AM EST and to make up for the time that I didn't update over the weekend, I'll be giving you 3 chapters to read!!
          So please head on over and take a look at it and PLEASE DON'T BE A SILENT READER!! I really do wanna hear what thoughts and opinions you all have!! I value every comment that I get because it helps in making me a much better writer! Thanks again!


Hey All!!
          It won't be long and the first story of the My Hero Academia series will be posted. I'm gonna stick to reaching my posting date goal of the week of May 7th-May 13th!! Then while I'm posting chapters on that one, I'll be working on the 2nd story of the series along with the AU versions. Remember the AU stories DO NOT tie in with the series! That's all for now. I've gotta get back to working on it! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!


Hello my fellow readers, writers, and followers!
          I hope you all are having a good morning, evening, or night! I wanted to post a small little update. I know I said I was gonna start posting again soon but things have gotten in the way as per usual.
          I am currently working on a My Hero Academia Fanfiction but I'm not sure when I'll be posting it but I do know it will either be the only one I post or I maybe post 2 stories at once. I'm not sure yet. Also if you all go back and read my already posted stories please don't be a silent reader. I value your opinions of my writing and the stories I create.
          The MHA story I'm currently working on will be a part of a series and I'll be sure to label it as such in both the tags and in the Description/Summary. Also I'll be doing different AU versions with my OC from the series. It will have nothing to do with the series itself.
          I hope you all will continue to be patient with me. Please remember to not be a silent reader! Leave some comments. It keeps me motivated as a writer to push out chapters. Anyways I hope you all have a great day!