
Like the new covers??


going to be putting some requests on pause until after Christmas unless I get an itch to write them! sorry for the inconvenience but I have an ache to write some cute holiday prefs!! xx big love


@daniellealanah yayyyyyyyy cant wait


@mrs_malik01 I'm planning to in the new year love


@daniellealanah please continue "find me"


I realize I've been gone for quite some time, the reason being that I have been extremely buys and have been taking some much needed time for myself.  I am lacking some inspiration at the moment, so I am rereading my fan fiction "One." hoping to get some inspiration and run straight into "Unknown." from there.  Also, some of you know about the glitch with chapter ten that occurred and put me in a really sour mood, making me less inclined to write it all together, but I cannot just leave Harry and Skylar with an open ending.  I love them too much to do that. 
          I am continuing  with "Find Me" right now as I have found my love for the story again, so expect some updates for that coming soon!  But, with that said, "Unknown." will not be updated until after Halloween.
          Thank you all so much for understanding, I love and appreciate you all so much. x


I realize I've been gone for quite some time, the reason being that I have been extremely buys and have been taking some much needed time for myself.  I am lacking some inspiration at the moment, so I am rereading my fan fiction "One." hoping to get some inspiration and run straight into "Unknown." from there.  Also, some of you know about the glitch with chapter ten that occurred and put me in a really sour mood, making me less inclined to write it all together, but I cannot just leave Harry and Skylar with an open ending.  I love them too much to do that. 
          I am continuing  with "Find Me" right now as I have found my love for the story again, so expect some updates for that coming soon!  But, with that said, "Unknown." will not be updated until after Halloween.
          Thank you all so much for understanding, I love and appreciate you all so much. xx