
a pure smut book is in the works. don't know when i till publish it but it will exist when people don't wanna read the full of pocky and whiskey. i haven't felt like writing but i got a chapter almost done just have no motivation sooooo...yea ok bye


a pure smut book is in the works. don't know when i till publish it but it will exist when people don't wanna read the full of pocky and whiskey. i haven't felt like writing but i got a chapter almost done just have no motivation sooooo...yea ok bye


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howdy ladies and gentlemen. I want to apologize for not updating like at all, this online school shit is really messing me up and i'm catching up a fast pace but i should be done now i'm still like really fresh of this online school shit and it so far has been annoying me a lot and up to my neck with stuff but i'm burning it all down so; let me explain my absence
          1) schooling from home has made me extremely batty and annoying for being cooped in my house with two other loud people other than myself
          2) there's just no point on writing if you have no motivation. writing with no purpose is just a mind numbing sensation  that can cause you just no to do it anymore
          3) i'm in the middle of a NSFW part in my story but sadly I got no privacy to continue to write it so there's that
          4) i've been playing Overwatch with some my and planning for Anniversary and many other events tied with the Game and events with ourselves
          5) I've been talking to my sugarcube and just wanting to talk to her and not write
          6) my dad got a new job and i'm taking over his morning job so i'm trying to mentally prepare for that
          so um there. those are the reasons; I didn't put depression and sleeping in down cause I always do and sacrifice my time and energy that I don't have to do that but when I have online school, chatting and Games in neatly wrapped bow like schedule then i'll fit writing into the pile. okay i'll talk to y'all later.
          stay safe during this Co-Vid19 thing and wash yer filthy hands
          -SharpshooterMcCree signing out-


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@SharpshooterMcCree FUCK YEAH BITCHES!!!


@SharpshooterMcCree OH OH AM I THE SUGAR CUBE?!?! ✨