Hiya. My name is Chloe. I'm 15 years old and I'm Irish.

My other profile is Chloe_FAYZ, if you know it thats me, just so you know. I have no means to access that profile so I made this one.

I am a fangirl for quite a lot of things, I have a whole lot of fanfic universes inside of my head, I just don't have enough time, energy, motivation and ability to write them all out.

Im Slytherclaw, yes it does exist, no I'm not confused.

You can talk to me about anything, siriusly talk to me, I won't bite unless you bite first (taking that out of context is not advised).

Tumblr: consumed-in-daydreams
Instagram: chloemarieboyle
Snapchat: chloemarieboyle
  • Galdontria
  • JoinedMarch 14, 2015

Last Message
damfangirlfeels47 damfangirlfeels47 Oct 27, 2015 11:10PM
What just happened!!!!I was gone for like 5 days and I gained nearly 15 followers. To some people the amount of followers i have is nothing but to me it's so awesome. Thank you to all of my follower...
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