
I hate that I can literally plan a whole story out in my head within a few hours but just freeze up when I try to put the pen to paper or in this case fingers to keyboard.


Hi Daisy! I just wanted to thank you personally for reading my story "A Love Worthy" and for being so supportive of me despite the fact that my story is in dire need of editing. I appreciate you more than you know!:) 


Thank you so much! It is readers like you that encourage me and keep me motivated to write. I wouldn't be the writer I am now if it were not for readers like you. I thank you so much and cannot express enough my gratitude and appreciation!! :)


@inkzerospace I actually really loved your story you're a super talented writer and it was honestly my pleasure to even have then chance to stumble across such an amazing book I'm pretty sure I like immediately went and read one of your other books soon after because I just really enjoyed your style of writing and your story. I honestly should be thanking you for sharing such an amazing book with us. xx 


want a book cover? (wink wink) I have a book cover generator, and there's a few examples you can check out if you're interested.


okay I'm working on it


@TheModernBlue um, sure that be cool.