
last week i had 2 dreams in a row abt my phone breaking in dramatic ways (it got set on fire in a garden cult thing and then fell into a pool of dolphins) and the next day my phone broke. last night i had a dream that this guy who i used to be really good friends with was breaking up with his gf in the hallway and then she shoved him to this really big locker and suffocated him to death and then he was pronounced dead in the hallway and jacob elordi was there and was comforting me. i woke up in the middle of the night and thought it was real and im crazy so all day ive been checking his socials bc he normally posts on snap  every five seconds and he hasn’t posted once today on anything. i texted him “hey we haven’t hung out in a while” to see if he would respond bc he’s normally really good abt that kinda thing and it’s been 7 hours and im still on delivered. am i crazy or is he dead? i think i belong in a mental hospital 


last week i had 2 dreams in a row abt my phone breaking in dramatic ways (it got set on fire in a garden cult thing and then fell into a pool of dolphins) and the next day my phone broke. last night i had a dream that this guy who i used to be really good friends with was breaking up with his gf in the hallway and then she shoved him to this really big locker and suffocated him to death and then he was pronounced dead in the hallway and jacob elordi was there and was comforting me. i woke up in the middle of the night and thought it was real and im crazy so all day ive been checking his socials bc he normally posts on snap  every five seconds and he hasn’t posted once today on anything. i texted him “hey we haven’t hung out in a while” to see if he would respond bc he’s normally really good abt that kinda thing and it’s been 7 hours and im still on delivered. am i crazy or is he dead? i think i belong in a mental hospital 


does anyone like gossip girl because i may or may not have an entire chuck bass fic outlined but idk if i should post it or what 


@5hrines- thanks! mine will prob be up tonight or tmrw im just abt done with editing


@daisybliss_ i’ve only read like a good handful since it’s rare to find good ones but if i can search through my messy library i’ll send you some lol


@5hrines-  okay, yay! ill definitely post it soon, but in the mean time, do you know of any other gossip girl fics? i haven’t been able to find any good ones.


i just watched the new pjo show in my living room and my entire family ended up sitting down and watching it too. my dad gets more confused every five seconds on why grover is half goat, my mom thinks annabeth is the most gorgeous amazing perfect little girl ever and wants to adopt her, my brother has a vendetta against sally jackson, my other brother is the number 1 percabeth shipper, my little sister is terrified of chiron, my oldest brother was obsessed with the pjo books when they first came out and this show is now his Roman Empire, and my twin brother ships percy with CLARISSE. they’ve also all come to the consensus that they cannot stand walkers voice, and i keep telling them it’s because it was filmed right before his voice changed, but they dgaf. my mom just keeps saying it’s ryan reynolds all over again. 


and i asked them who they thought percys dad was before we found out and my dad said hercules, my mom said orion except her pronunciation was wack, and my brother said zeus. the rest of them still hadn’t comprehended that his dad was god. my mom also was very confused after and she’s convinced poseidons evil because chiron called him stormbringer 


why does my family have so many random connections to celebs  like there was this psycho guy who was obsessed with my mom and his brother played leonard on big bang theory, my moms childhood friends godfather was mr rodgers, my aunt is best friends with the actress who plays sue sylvester on glee, my grandpa is a stunt double and he’s worked on so many things (the dark night, shameless, ground hog day, my best friends wedding, etc) and he literally has one Oscar and 3 nominations + a bunch of other awards, my grandma went to school with betty white, among other things, my uncles friend in hs was ludacris, there’s some big rapper guy whose name i can’t remember who got cancelled for statutory rape and it was because he dated my moms friend in hs, my parents hs friend was cecily strong (she’s on snl) and she actually donated a backstage pass to the show for my moms charity auction and in her memoir, she talks abt her hs bf who was mean to her and how he contributed to her life, who was also the first boy my mom ever kissed, among other random celeb connections. atp i feel like im an honorary nepo baby.


this message may be offensive
i 1000% support lgbtq and would never wanna do anything to harm them but nothing makes me more angry then gay men taking things for women. if there’s a trend about women, i DO NOT wanna see any gay men participating. when the gay boys at my school are in the girls bathroom (which happens a lot) i wanna punch them but no, instead i respectfully ask them to leave and then they get mad at me. and also with taylors new song slut! ive seen so many ppl interpret it with fictional gay couples, but personally i feel it can only ever make sense in a sapphic or straight relationship because in what world is a man ever called a slut? none. i could make a list of things that are only for the girlies and i will take no arguments. 


@ countyourdaysjohn  omg I totally agree with you


I know I’m an untrustworthy author because I always end up abandoning stories, but I just posted one I can assure you I will NOT abandon because I am soooo invested in it. The first chapter is not yet up because I have yet to find a beta reader (if you’re interested in filling that role, please DM me), but the extended summary and cast/author’s note are! I’d really appreciate if you checked it out, even if you don’t end up liking the premise/reading it, and if you have any interest AT ALL in being my beta, please DM me!! 


hi guys!! i recently posted a book titled “notes app”, which is not technically a book but rather a collection of little essays/poetry that i believe belong out of my notes app but don’t really know where else to put them. i also post them on my tiktok (@whenemmafallsinlove89) and i would soooo appreciate it if you checked out either and left some feedback. thanks!! 


guys this isn’t homophobic but i swear there is something in my familys blood that makes gay ppl love us. like my great aunt had this lady try to date her for 5 years while she had a husband, my dad had to fight off a gang of lesbians who were OBSESSED with my mom and there’s literally 7 gay girls at school who compliment my “body shape” and ask me out every day even though i said im straight and literally smack my ass as hard as they can when they pass me