
How is everyone doing today? I hope the book you're reading is long and ends exactly how you want it to!


HWT doesn't end like that does it? You'll update right? I've been binge reading it and ugh I LOVE IT SO MUCJ HOW IS THAT BOOK SO UNDERRATED WHAT


@vxnessac yess I hope you doo


@unknown_martian thank you so much! you're so sweet. i've had very little inspiration to write recently. hopefully i get out of my slump soon but make sure to follow so you know when i update. i'll try and update sometime this weekend. :) <3


Just saying: YOU ARE BY FAR THE MOST AMAZING WRITER. YOUR CHAPTERS ARE VERY LONG AND I CAN TELL THAT YOU PUT YOUR HEART AND SOUL INTO YOUR WRITING. I bet you even make readers cry with your writing like the best writers do. Amazing work BEYOND DOUBT ! ❤


You're so sweet! ❤️ sometimes I wonder if the chapters are too long but I just try to make them anywhere between 3000-4000 words because that's how long the chapters are in an average book! 
            I'm practicing for the day I finally publish one. 