
How is it half way through April already?? 
          	Sorry it took me a moment to update. My goal was to update one of my stories at least once a week, but my life ran into a little bit of a snag. I was laid off from my job and it's been like going through a bad break up where they get to keep all of our mutual friends and I'm throwing out all my company swag like I'm throwing out my ex's stuff. Haha! I've moved past the tears and now I can laugh at it, so don't worry!
          	You would think not having a job would give me plenty of time to write, but it has actually made me into a sad little snail. However! I'm ready to start posting Shifted, my new story. I'll post sometime this week. I'll start with a post a week and then hopefully build up to posting 2x a week soon. 
          	I'm hoping that you are all doing well and if you have hit some snags in your life, I hope that you can overcome them quickly. I'm not even kidding when I say that there were a have been many times over the past couple of weeks that I've had BTS on repeat. They never fail to lift me up and get me going again. But I'm just preaching to the choir, you guys all know what I'm talking about it! Take care and be happy! See you soon with Shifted!


@so_larry Ah, it's alright, I'm making the best of the change. I can't wait for this new story, I hope you like it!!


@Arpita_2010 I'm hoping my next job will be better, that's the goal haha! I think you're right, there's always ups and downs but there will always be good things in the future. 
          	  Ah, the jungle that is high school! It can be fun, but overwhelming! I don't know what advice I can give but to keep going and have fun while you do! Also, summer is just around the corner and you can take a break haha!


@Wony014 Thank you! Just got to move forward huh? The best is yet to come!


Hi just wanted to drop to tell you I'm loving Shifted!  thank you for writing this beautyful story.. hope you're safe and okay 


@missRchel Thank you!! I love hearing that! I'm always nervous when I start posting a new story, so hearing compliments like that builds my confidence! Thank you so much! I hope you are doing well too!


I just wanted to ask that once you're done with shifted ( that's going on) can you write one on bts being yn soulmate and yn or bts being teacher. [ a request form my babyarmyfriend] please 


@Arpita_2010 Thanks for reaching out! I actually have another story that I'm fleshing out already, I'm sorry! I don't take requests, but I'm sure there might be a story like that out there!


Author nim fighting!!!
          As you had obstacles in the recent days, I want to cheer you on, as you have your readers that support you 
          Keep your head up, author nim! Remember, every setback is just a setup for a great comeback. Your words have the power to move mountains and touch hearts. Embrace your journey, for it's the twists and turns that shape your story into something truly extraordinary. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and never underestimate the impact of your pen. You've got this!
          I wish you the best and I hope that this message made your day a little more pleasant than it is.
          Good luck, U are the best.<3


@dailyJinspiration I am really happy that you liked my message ❤


@straw_bae Fighting! 
            You're the best! Thank you for cheering me on! Your words are so sweet and uplifting. I like what you said about every setback setting up for a great comeback. I believe that too. Thank you!!


How is it half way through April already?? 
          Sorry it took me a moment to update. My goal was to update one of my stories at least once a week, but my life ran into a little bit of a snag. I was laid off from my job and it's been like going through a bad break up where they get to keep all of our mutual friends and I'm throwing out all my company swag like I'm throwing out my ex's stuff. Haha! I've moved past the tears and now I can laugh at it, so don't worry!
          You would think not having a job would give me plenty of time to write, but it has actually made me into a sad little snail. However! I'm ready to start posting Shifted, my new story. I'll post sometime this week. I'll start with a post a week and then hopefully build up to posting 2x a week soon. 
          I'm hoping that you are all doing well and if you have hit some snags in your life, I hope that you can overcome them quickly. I'm not even kidding when I say that there were a have been many times over the past couple of weeks that I've had BTS on repeat. They never fail to lift me up and get me going again. But I'm just preaching to the choir, you guys all know what I'm talking about it! Take care and be happy! See you soon with Shifted!


@so_larry Ah, it's alright, I'm making the best of the change. I can't wait for this new story, I hope you like it!!


@Arpita_2010 I'm hoping my next job will be better, that's the goal haha! I think you're right, there's always ups and downs but there will always be good things in the future. 
            Ah, the jungle that is high school! It can be fun, but overwhelming! I don't know what advice I can give but to keep going and have fun while you do! Also, summer is just around the corner and you can take a break haha!


@Wony014 Thank you! Just got to move forward huh? The best is yet to come!


I'm a little late, but hello March!
          I wanted to give you guys a quick update! For those of you who have been reading Cat Got Your Tongue, thanks again for reading! Your comments have been fun to read and your compliments have inspired me.
          As I mentioned at the end of that story and in my last post in February, I have another story on it's way. It will be an OT7 story called Shifted. When I'm writing and posting, I like to be at least 75% done with the story before I start posting because I always end up changing things as I write. Sadly, I'm not quite at that point with Shifted. I probably won't be able to start posting that story until April. 
          But don't cry! I have other stories that I'll be updating in March. I'll be adding a chapter or 2 to Suga Mama and I'll begin a oneshot collection. I have some fun short stories that I think will help tide you over!
          That's it for March! I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to connecting with you all more in the future!


@TheQueen774310 You're the best! Thanks for waiting for me, it fills me with confidence!


@Wony014 Oh no! We can't have that! I'll have some new stuff out soon


Take your time and thank you for the new story, Wattpad is becoming boring without you.


Hi girl wyd. I read your book "Strings of fate" 4 months ago and it's STILL all I can think about please if you know any other books (wattpad or not) that are very similar to yours, PLEASE let me know‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️


@hyeeeejiiinnnn I have one in the works! I'm still working on it but I hope to start posting it soon!


@dailyJinspiration I've checked those already but nobody does it like you do:( but I got it. I liked a lot What's one more too! Your writing style is so good I love it. Tbh I only keep wattpad just in case you write another ot7 haha


@hyeeeejiiinnnn Haha! That's such a wonderful compliment! Hmm... I don't know if I know of any stories quite like mine but I have two reading lists "Stories I'd read again" and "Stories I'd recommend". Those are all stories that I loved and saved, so you might find something in there that helps you move on haha!


Guys, it's February!
          If you are like me and in an area of the world that winter reigns currently, we're practically half through! Winter and I really should work out our issues... 
          For those of you that are currently reading Cat Got Your Tongue, I hope you're enjoying it. I get attached to every story I write and this one is no different. It's always a fun journey to take with the characters. 
          I've got my posting schedule figured out and that story should be wrapped up by the end of the month! But never fear, I'm working on my next story already and depending on how fast I write this month, I might be able to jump right in and start posting it in March. Send me all your good writing vibes! Haha!
          I might also start a one shot type of thing. Would you guys be interested in that? I've got some ideas to bring to life so if you'd like to see that become reality, let me know!
          I'm sending all the good vibes your way - let's make February awesome! Are you guys working on anything cool? Do you have some awesome goals you want to share? I'd love to hear! Take care of yourselves and hibernate if you need to! Now's the perfect time! 
          Listen to kpop 24/7 and may you always pick your bias!


@dailyJinspiration I am really craving and eagerly waiting for another one of your ot7 stories, do u plan to release one soon??


@calumsbasss You're the best! I don't know how soon the one shots will come but hopefully I'll get it going soon!


@MinKeyHa Thank you! I hope to keep coming out with some fun stuff so be on the look out!




@-JUICEBOXX I know! As I was writing this story I felt so bad to do it, but the story was just writing itself that way, it had a mind of its own! haha, but I'm glad you're still enjoying it!


@dailyJinspiration I love ittt! not rocking with Hoseok in this one tho lolol. ur an amazing writer < 33