
Is it normal for a little to have to give up their career goals and/or dreams for a daddy.


@littleg1 That isn't the best thing, no. Indicates lack of balance in the relationship, and shouldn't be part of any ddlg dynamic. With that said, everyone makes sacrifices for people they love.


I'm a knew little, the only reason I'm a little is because my boyfriend likes that kink and I just want to make him happy, I don't really understand how to be a little though and it's getting a little confusing and he'll say things like "Who's daddy's little girl" And I get embarrassed and stay silent and it makes him upset, please help me


@KayasDrawings Kaya, thank you for writing to me. This is an INTERESTING question. First off, I think the real question is if you feel comfortable with doing this at all? You shouldn't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. On another level, if you just want to make him happy - you can just play along and say "ME, I AM." But I'm more concerned that you feel pressured to take part in the kink. Kinks should be mutual, and they shouldn't make you/him upset. It's all about having fun.


How do you meet a daddy if you are underage?


Meeting daddies in general is very hard! It’s hard even for adults. It’s a very specific interest. Another way to approach this is to ask - what boys do I know who act like they would be a good daddy? Boys from school who are serious, or caring, or protective of their friends, or who love animals. Those boys can give the feeling of a daddy without knowing what ddlg is. That’s my best suggest!


Hey there, 
          Me and my fiance have been into a loosely dd/lg based relationship for a couple of years now. I'm just wondering if you had some guidelines around anything that I, as his kitten, could do to improve the dd/lg aspect of our life? My daddy was also wondering if you had a basic outline as to what he can do to improve his role as a daddy? We prefer to keep more routines rather than enforcing rules with punishments, and we dont participate in age play. We're fairly new to the community of dd/lg, in fact we only discovered it a few months ago. Before that I had the role of being his "pet," (not related to furry stuff) which basically has the same vibe as being a little. We keep routines such as us both sleeping naked together and me sleeping with my tail in, as well as showering together. Would you have any suggestions of more routines or even rules we could integrate into our lives? Thank you very much and have a good day!:)


That’s such a great question! Sorry for seeing this a bit late. I think routines that create and strengthen your bond are really special. Things that collaborate, and join back. A shared coloring book, parallel tasks like in cooking or cleaning or gardening (you do this part, he does that part), and daily letters to each other. I hope that’s helpful!  Thank you for writing in with your thoughts.


So I have been in the lifestyle for years but sometimes I feel like I should just grow up and be a big girl and it makes me so sad because I feel worthless and useless like I should just disappear cuz I'm a burden... my family and friends dont understand me at all and all the daddys I have had have been so abusive and just bad daddys... I feel so alone and cry so much cuz I always get stuck in little space and it makes me sad to think I'm worthless and useless and I just feel lost and dont know what to do... should I stop being a little? Is that a choice?


I think it’s a choice to be little and choice in how you decide to be little. You don’t need a daddy to be little! And you don’t have to let your family know you are either. You can keep it private and special and protected and just for you. It can feel like no one will ever understand who you are- but we form communities like this one on Wattpad to help with that! We understand you.