
Redeemer is now a completed story. 
          	Short , only 7 chapters long.  Hope you all like it. Here is the link!


@PearlFallingOnJade Colorado. I don't mind at all. Where are you from? I love getting to know everyone who contacts me. The world is a wonderful place and I have gotten to know so many from all over the world after Covid, and because of the Untamed and MDZS. 
          I am also the eldest {68!} in our writing group, and everyone calls me Nana.


To all my readers, my friends in Turkey. I am reading your messages and I am praying for you all. There is a Turkish Relief group here in Colorado that began after the horrible news, and I will donate to the as soon as possible. In the meantime, I send love and condolences to you. I have cried as I read each of your messages and I want you to know that the world is hearing you and rushing to help.