
I uploaded a chapter again!! This story is very close to finishing...


I'm struggling writing new chapters for Lovers Rock, I don't like what I've done before and I feel like the whole story is still about Maeve and Bojan, when it's supposed to be about Jan and Mary. I don't think I'm going to continue writing it this way, because I'm just pressuring myself and I hate everything I write. Maybe I'll rewrite it another time, but right now I'm focusing on Summer Nights. 
          I'm also writing a One Shot, and planning a new story, so there will be enough content, I promise!! 
          Just wanted to end this by saying it makes me so happy to read your comments, see you've voted on my story or saved my story. Thank you guys, xx


@da1lyh3art3y3s of course take your time! No need to do both books at once ! It can be confusing to do both at the same time even if you're reading both at once ! So take your time and can't wait to see what you write next !


@da1lyh3art3y3s Thats totallyy finee!! Looking forward to more summer nights im so invested! I love you pookie wookie


@da1lyh3art3y3s Honestly I understand where you are coming from, personally I have felt exactly like that when finishing Novi Val. All I can say is start on something new and fresh to clear your mind and get good ideas instead of looping around in the same circle without getting motivated about what you are writing. I can't wait to see what you come up with <3


Soooo..... Yesterday I saw Joker Out live and it was the best night OF MY LIFE. They were awesome and I was so close to them. 
          Anyways, the post concert depression is very real, I think I'll go write some in the next week-ish to distract my mind from it cuz it's BAD. 
          I love you guys.