
when you memorized the entirety of one last time from the hamilton musical:


I hate Izuku Midorya. 


@Mina_Is_A_Strawberry I’m so glad you feel that way bro, I really thought I wrote to much and it would annoy you or anyone else who read what I wrote 


@dAzAi_bOi I completely agree, you brought up a few reasons that I haven't really even noticed yet but completely agree with. Like the last one about wondering when he's going to stop getting new powers instead of wondering what they'll be, I haven't even realized that's been the case for me, but it totally has.


            Now this last one may not make sense, but it’s true so hear me out before replying. Deku brings forth no information on the discrimination of quirks, and the wrongs of hero society. Now you may be saying “but he was bullied because he was quirk-less before, that shows what’s wrong with society.” Well, not entirely. We could most likely guess from any quirk-less character that discrimination against those without powers is a big problem, but because Midorya gains powers that are VERY powerful and god like after the first few episodes, we don’t see discrimination against certain quirks nor quirk-less people anymore. Shinsou Hitoshi would be a great main character in order to explore this idea more. He has experienced bullying and being outcasted because of his quirk being “villainous”. But others like Aizawa see the potential this could bring, and expands on that potential. Midorya didn’t have potential until he got a quirk, he was just a normal quirk-less kid with an impossible dream. Let’s face it, quirk-less people CANT be heroes. They’d die or get severely injured unless they were Tony Stark and created some sick tech to keep them alive. My last point for now is how boring his quirk is in general. Deku gains this quirk that ends up having more than one quirk inside it, and as the series continues he continues to unlock new powers. It’s interesting at first, but as you continue and see how powerful and Mary Sue like he is, you just think to yourself, “when’s the next power gonna come?” Rather than “what’s the next power he might get?” Your not anticipating what this new power will be, your waiting to see when he gets a new power and how many times it’s gonna happen before he finally shuts up and doesn’t get any more of them. 


Sad theses messages don’t exist on ao3. Anyways! 
          Wish I saw more teacher x teacher fics
          Imagine, your algebra teacher and history teacher are hella gay for each-other and got married 5 years ago and you never knew. I need more!!!


If you had the ability to comment one crime without being arrested what crime are you doing? 
          I know I’m committing identity fraud or arson. 


@dAzAi_bOi exactly! like, might as well lol


@c0metcrash Your thinking what I’m thinking. Do the fun/benifiting crimes. 


@dAzAi_bOi probably either arson, identity fraud, maybe rob a few banks, touch things at museums that ur not supposed to (there’s probably more that i can’t think of atm)