
          	I am okay
          	But goodbye


Hello everyone. This is Summer. Im using old acc of my bfs to do this.
          I know i dissapeared randomly and i imagine some of you were worried. I am okay.
          Why did i leave?? Well tbh ive wanted to for a while. This acc has lost what i meant for it to be. It was supposed to be a acc to show others they arent alone and....its become....idk what to call it but yeah.
          So i left. 
          If im being honest I have made a new acc but its anon and i wont be telling you guys. Not to be rude but bc.....i dont want me being trans to dictate my life and people always see me as the "mtf trans girl" i wanna just be seen for me. I want people to see me for who i am without these labels. 
          I am so sorry if i worried you. Its just...this acc enables me to keep wallowing in my depression. 
          So....like i said made a new one. Maybe you guys will find it it maybe not. If you do dont mssg me asking if its me. I will say no unless you were someone i was close with.
          Im sorry but this is goodbye guys.
          Im gonna be on this acc for a small amount of time but than im leaving. Im sorry 
          (Btw to all my bfs followers on this acc who might see this ignore this haha sorry)


@Dragon_Rexx  that makes sense. Do whatever you feel is best for you. I'm sure everyone will be sad to see you go, but I think everyone will understand. I hope stuff on your new account works out well! I'll miss you. 