
PLEASE READ: hi everyone! I just wanted to say, if in ANY of my stories, you feel like there’s something offensive, please let me know either privately or through this announcement, I never want to make anyone feel insulted by something I wrote. I was thinking of privating my stories, but people have said some very nice things about them that make me want to keep them up. I am so sorry about some things that I may have written that offended anyone of a certain gender or race, like how in my story “Mine” I had a part where I talked about Y/N’s skin color, saying that Suna had complimented it, but it clearly should not have been said the way I said it. No one told me to make this apology. I just wanted to let you all know that I will not be upset AT ALL if you guys want me to change something that should be changed. 
          	While I have my social media written in my bio, it would be great if we could keep my wattpad life on wattpad, and my tiktok life on tiktok:) I hope you understand <3 
          	Also, to all my Muslims, how’s Ramadan going for you? I haven’t read any books in a while, but I hope you’re staying safe and sound as you fast:) 


@cufics I haven't gotten any sleep this week since its laylatul qadr I've been been trying to pray as much as I can cuz  I usually only 2 or 3 out of the 5 prayers


PLEASE READ: hi everyone! I just wanted to say, if in ANY of my stories, you feel like there’s something offensive, please let me know either privately or through this announcement, I never want to make anyone feel insulted by something I wrote. I was thinking of privating my stories, but people have said some very nice things about them that make me want to keep them up. I am so sorry about some things that I may have written that offended anyone of a certain gender or race, like how in my story “Mine” I had a part where I talked about Y/N’s skin color, saying that Suna had complimented it, but it clearly should not have been said the way I said it. No one told me to make this apology. I just wanted to let you all know that I will not be upset AT ALL if you guys want me to change something that should be changed. 
          While I have my social media written in my bio, it would be great if we could keep my wattpad life on wattpad, and my tiktok life on tiktok:) I hope you understand <3 
          Also, to all my Muslims, how’s Ramadan going for you? I haven’t read any books in a while, but I hope you’re staying safe and sound as you fast:) 


@cufics I haven't gotten any sleep this week since its laylatul qadr I've been been trying to pray as much as I can cuz  I usually only 2 or 3 out of the 5 prayers


Hi everyone! Happy Ramadan to any of you who celebrate! As a muslim myself, I will indeed be taking a break from Wattpad after today, and will post my last chapter I will write for any book now.  
          I start a day late because I had period problems LOL but from tomorrow I cannot simp‼️ 
          I hope you guys continue to support me on tiktok @shifawantsarevival , as I want to make content that makes many happy including myself <3 
          Have a great day! 
          If you have any problems or would like to vent my DMs are always open <3 


@CrisomRedKitty Thank you love!!! 


@cufics ah yeah :3 I'm not Muslim but my friend is following that Religion soooo I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this cos I'm inna different religion (buddhism) but Happy Ramadan!


hi everyone. i have come to a conclusion where I want to finish writing Undercover soon, but it will probably be my last story. 
          i actually become very terrified that someday my stories may be taken from a wrong intention, as I had gotten some hate for writing the Karma story, even though the character was canon to be aged up. I totally understand why that may have made people uncomfortable if they don’t know at first, though. 
          I write my stories to teach messages to readers about being honest to your own feelings, as well as in undercover, about how ab*se is not okay whatsoever.  
          But also, being a minor myself, I want to explore new ways to keep people smiling which does not involve se*ual content. 
          I hope all of you understand. 
          I know I have been very on and off with my writing. 
          I am so sorry, but please feel free to unfollow me. 
          I love each of you, and thank you for giving me time, and being so painfully patient with me. 


@youruglyassbitchsis i love you<333 thank you for your kind words.


@cufics You do what you have too so I don't get why you got hate for it you even said he was gonna be grown up plus in the end of the anime everyone was older but I totally get it this story is litterly one of my fav's but if you feel like you need to do something to it then not only me but we should all understand anyways stay safe and love you too author... And NO I'm not unfollowing :)


@cufics ^_^ no problem! I thank you for making the Karma X Reader book and for being here :3


hi everyone!! so sorry I’ve been terrible at updating, I’m reallly packed with school but don’t worry I’m not stopping. 
          this is a very important message to me: please go watch my tiktok about the anti-asian american hate crimes that have been occurring in the US, and sign the petition in my bio. 
          my new username is @shifawantsarevival
          thank you. 


hmmm yall heard what happened with deciphered? really sad, but it also teaches everyone that you have to be careful with what you write and own up to your mistake, in general, when you first see it.
          also, the y/n’s in my books are inspired by my personal experiences (NOT THE SMUT I AM INNOCENT WHEN IT COMES TO THAT) but like their personality traits and all, since someone asked how I come up with the characters! 
          if I ever do something that doesn’t seem okay and I don’t see it first, PLEASE call me out. I want to learn, educate, and grow from my mistakes and experiences. 


When are you posting C13 of Undercover // Karma Akabane????   :))


@tasniahhh thank u for sharing ur opinion!!! <3


personally i think that she didnt intend for it to come off as she was stereotyping hispanics as she did say oikawa got into dealing before he went to argentina as he was working for leia’s dad  and then people misunderstood then blew out of proportion by sending her death threaths etc and also abt the #spanishkink i dont think she intended for it to come off like that as spanish is commonly used as a love language and had intended it to be like as a love language but had didnt know how to like word it then people got the wrong idea and i can see why they would have but besides that i can see where everyone is coming from and also for the mami and papi and people saying shes sexualising the spanish language i personally think that them words have been oversexualised in today’s society and didnt think it would be harmful but like yeah im not hispanic but thats what i think :)


Hi Author-chan! I just wanna say... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE KARMA X READER FANFIC <333 I'm in love with it already, plus it's one of my favourite rn, top list on my favourite fanfics :3 I love the plot and I hope I'm not a bother with moi comments ^_^" besides that, I wanted to say good job with the fanfic! Also, sorry if you might get weirded out by this hehe... I just wanted to say thank you for the book :) buh bye and have a nice day~!


@cufics no problem ^_^ 


hi hi!!! this was so sweet of you to say oh my gosh it literally made my night :’))) and omg! I want so many of you all to talk to me!! I love hearing feedback and your comments so I can improve!! I hope you have a great night (or day wherever you are) and stay smiling!!!