
hello! i'm kind of back.
          	i've out the pjo genderbend saga on hiatus, unfortunately, but that's because i have another WIP i'm going to be working on during quarantine. it's far darker and more depressing than anything i've ever written, be warned -- i didn't rate it mature for nothing.
          	it's not fanfiction of any sort, but if you're down for a pessimistic main character who's as straight as a circle, calling out society for being terrible, then it would be nice if you followed me through "you don't want to be here." :)


Hi!  Thank you for the follow!  Make sure to check out my work! Currently writing four stories based on Clare Siobhan's series!  I hope you find them to your liking <3


@ MuddledMuggles  Wow really?  That's so sweet and awesome haha I'm glad people like what I write :) Let me know what you think!  Stay peachy and have an amazing day <3


@MuddledMuggles hello!! dw dw i'll definitely check them out later when i'm free, i found people praising you on the discord and got interested so i'm excited to read 


hello! i'm kind of back.
          i've out the pjo genderbend saga on hiatus, unfortunately, but that's because i have another WIP i'm going to be working on during quarantine. it's far darker and more depressing than anything i've ever written, be warned -- i didn't rate it mature for nothing.
          it's not fanfiction of any sort, but if you're down for a pessimistic main character who's as straight as a circle, calling out society for being terrible, then it would be nice if you followed me through "you don't want to be here." :)


I just finished reading your book, and I can say that it was one of my favourites. I found it while Google searching and I thought. 'Let's give it a try.' 
          It is so different than any other story, and I love the plot and just everything about it. I don't have the complex enough vocabulary to explain how amazing it was. 
          I just felt like I was reading a story that Rick would approve of. (I'm cringing trying to explain this as best as I can) 
          Where did you get the inspiration for the plot? What was the first idea that started this book? 
          Thank you for such a wonderful book. 


hndjdn thank you so much!! to be honest my only inspiration for the plot was “what is something that can torture these characters in a different way than they’ve already been tortured?” which is basically my inspiration for everything whoops. i just got into reading a lot of pjo genderbends and felt compelled to write one out of boredom. again, thanks a lot for the support and love, means a lot!!


Beautiful person award! Once you get it you’re supposed to give it out to 8 other people. You don’t need to do it, but it’s nice to know that people care, and think you’re a beautiful individual. You are a beautiful person both on the inside and outside, so don’t let anyone tell you differently.


hnsnsn i know this is late but thank you very much!!


good evening i’m bACK BACK BACK
          i mean not really but i’m gonna do some mass editing and so i unpublished like 90% of my books but ehhh did anyone actually care about them let’s be real
          anyways. enjoy


@C36789 ah, thanks for liking that and sorry ahhaha. i can’t guarantee anything, but it’ll most likely be back by the end of this year


@crossroadstyxx- I really liked Infinitius soooo...