
Harry Styles with the Blue Bandana today is not a coincidence (like the other times)   #Happy10YearsAIMH


JAJAJAJAJAJ Real Madrid que sigan así lol


@crismesziall ah yeah, but I am not even excited about it


I love James too much, but seeing him so comfortable, doing nothing for his career, surrendering to the feet of a club that all does is humiliate him is sad, frustrating and outrageous, he must have self-respect and dignity above all. We all know he is  madridista since he was a child but its time to go and he doesn't see it ... at this point it is already a sick love, I am so sad and angry at the same time :'(


@crismesalways It's true some people just care for fame, and not happiness. Life sometimes sucks, mate.


SAMEEE and that is why I don't understand James, I don't know what he intends and has in his head, but he seems to be out of focus and he seems to have no one to guide him because it seems that all his family and friends are equally hypnotized with that team, they just seem to care that James is in Real Madrid, for "status": (


@crismesalways I always did thought James should have rather stayed in Munich. He received all love and support there. Madrid is like a sudden turn back in his life. My opinion is let him play or just sell him. Let him shine. Deserves all the love.