
I’m thinking of picking back up writing “coming home” I go through phases where I just really want to write and others where I’d rather read other people’s work. 


I don’t know if anyone will see this but it’s been driving me nuts. I have been looking for a Paul imprint fanfiction that I read a couple years ago, it was about Paul falling in love with a girl after his imprint dies but he doesn’t imprint on her right away. I know this is vague but if someone could help me out that would be much appreciated! Not sure if it was on this platform or another one


School will be starting up soon. I’m in nursing school so LOTS of homework all the time. So, I will be writing my chapters on weekends (hopefully will be able to get 5 written on weekends- mixing which stories I update) and I will be posting them throughout the week :) 


I thought that I would begin to update every week, but it seems as though I am almost done another chapter after a couple days. I want to try and lengthen my chapters though so I might either update later tonight or sometime tomorrow!
          Thanks guys


Hey so it’s been years since I have been on here. I want to start writing again. I’m not sure if I will continue the books I started before as honestly I don’t remember them too well. If there is a lot of people who are wanting me to continue a book I have started before then please DM me and I will consider it depending on how many messages I get. I will most likely not start writing until I write my last college exam on Friday next week. Please lemme know what you think. 


@jelsaforever1111 I will try but I don't really know if there is anyone else reading anyways 


@crazyybrunette  I know how you feel if you read ma book that got a lot I still don't know but if you don't update people will stop reading just a piece of advice love ya