
Seems that Daddy Knows Best has been deleted from Wattpad.. this makes my second successful story to just disappear.. 


As some of you know, chapter one of book 2 was supposed to be released on the 5th. Sadly, we had a storm come through the night before and my Wi-Fi has been out since.. I’m just now able to access my files, but nothing else is loading on my computer. Hoping to have everything fixed by Friday! I’m so sorry. It’s still coming, I promise! 


Special Announcement: 
          So, as many of you know, I'm writing a novel. I keep struggling with it and I don't want to keep people waiting. So I was thinking about turning one of my fanfictions into a novella. In this case, I would most likely have to change some names. It would be published on Amazon, so you can purchase it. Let me know your thoughts and opinions on this!


So I guess The Trilogy: Smuts & One-Shot's has been deleted... I have no idea how any of this happen. My book is just gone. Over 180K views, gone. I don't even know how to feel right now.


I have all the stories saved! It’s just the thought of having to restart all over again 


@cpt187 I am so sorry. I understand how upset you must be right now. I've damn near thrown my kindle because I spent hours writing something for it to disappear the next time I open it. Did you have an external copy somewhere?