
Hey, long time no speak. :) Sorry I haven't updated anything, lots of stuff has been going on and keeping me busy, like school. But I do have somewhat good news. I am enrolled in online school, and I have to write a lot of essays, so I was wondering if you guys would like me to post them. The first one is very personal, but I feel like it would be good to share (mostly for myself). If you'd like that, just let me know. I'm probably going to post this first one anyways just  to see how you guys like it and react. Hope you have a good day :) xx


Hey, long time no speak. :) Sorry I haven't updated anything, lots of stuff has been going on and keeping me busy, like school. But I do have somewhat good news. I am enrolled in online school, and I have to write a lot of essays, so I was wondering if you guys would like me to post them. The first one is very personal, but I feel like it would be good to share (mostly for myself). If you'd like that, just let me know. I'm probably going to post this first one anyways just  to see how you guys like it and react. Hope you have a good day :) xx