
Hi Everyone!!
          	Thought I would make you all aware of something that has happened in my life that has detached me from all of you lovely folks and has wrapped up most of my attention for the past 8 months.
          	TW for Domestic Abuse
          	Hi, for those of you who don’t know my name is Fran, I’m 23 and recently I’ve gotten out of a horrible toxic domestic violence relationship.
          	The reason I’m even talking about this on here is because I write about relationships in my fan fictions and I have an audience of predominantly young women/girls so I feel like it’s part of my responsibility to get the message across to anyone who will listen.
          	And for some of you, you won’t.
          	And that’s okay, because at first I didn’t either.
          	I want you to know that if you’re having doubts about a relationship you’re having, if they ever make you feel not good about yourself, if you ever have a bad gut feeling, trust it. Please. If it’s the only thing you ever promise yourself then do that, you all deserve true happiness not some moulded version of what you think it is.
          	There are resources out there for everyone.
          	In the UK there is the Women’s Centre, that is exclusively for women only and they advise you on steps to take to improve your life and get out of a toxic relationship.
          	There is Citizen’s Advice, for anything legal related, they’ll give you a guideline of how to do things properly so it doesn’t bite you in the arse later.
          	There is someone out there that loves each and every one of you, and if you believe you are alone in the world then that just means you haven’t met them yet and you should chug on to meet them. 
          	Don’t deprive yourself of happiness.
          	If you ever EVER need advice about anything, please reach out to anyone, including myself.
          	But always call the police if there is an immediate danger.
          	I love you all, take care.
          	Fran x


Hi Everyone!!
          Thought I would make you all aware of something that has happened in my life that has detached me from all of you lovely folks and has wrapped up most of my attention for the past 8 months.
          TW for Domestic Abuse
          Hi, for those of you who don’t know my name is Fran, I’m 23 and recently I’ve gotten out of a horrible toxic domestic violence relationship.
          The reason I’m even talking about this on here is because I write about relationships in my fan fictions and I have an audience of predominantly young women/girls so I feel like it’s part of my responsibility to get the message across to anyone who will listen.
          And for some of you, you won’t.
          And that’s okay, because at first I didn’t either.
          I want you to know that if you’re having doubts about a relationship you’re having, if they ever make you feel not good about yourself, if you ever have a bad gut feeling, trust it. Please. If it’s the only thing you ever promise yourself then do that, you all deserve true happiness not some moulded version of what you think it is.
          There are resources out there for everyone.
          In the UK there is the Women’s Centre, that is exclusively for women only and they advise you on steps to take to improve your life and get out of a toxic relationship.
          There is Citizen’s Advice, for anything legal related, they’ll give you a guideline of how to do things properly so it doesn’t bite you in the arse later.
          There is someone out there that loves each and every one of you, and if you believe you are alone in the world then that just means you haven’t met them yet and you should chug on to meet them. 
          Don’t deprive yourself of happiness.
          If you ever EVER need advice about anything, please reach out to anyone, including myself.
          But always call the police if there is an immediate danger.
          I love you all, take care.
          Fran x


Hi guys!!
          It’s my 23rd Birthday today!
          As some of you might know this year has been very hard on me and unfortunately I’ve not had the best start to the first half of the year with a lot of personal tragedies and just a lot going on.
          I don’t want to make any false promises but I’ve been working my hardest to find the motivation to write some updates and potentially new fics!
          I wanted to say that I’ve missed you all and I feel truly terrible for being so absent and I hope to change that sooner rather than later.
          Bear with me!! 
          Miss you all so so much!!


@cottonsoxs I’m a bit late but happy birthday amd ofccc dont worry take your time<33


@cottonsoxs happy birthday queen and take your time 


@cottonsoxs don’t worry about it at all take all the time u need hope everything’s starting to get better for u x 


Hey I was wondering where you post your work now bc you haven’t updated in a long time so I just wanted to know if there was another place I can go to read your awesome stories? 


Ofc! I absolutely adore what you right and I can’t wait for you to keep doing what your doing. Thanks for letting me know 


Hi @LexiSanderson5 I’m so happy that you’re enjoying my works!! At the moment I haven’t updated anything on any platform as I’ve had a lot go on in my personal life that has taken more time than I would’ve liked to, it’s available on AO3 and Inkitt, I’m trying to sort out tumblr atm but thank you so much for your kind words they mean so very much to me!!


hello again!
          so, I’ve recently just joined Inkitt!!
          I ain’t even gonna lie it feels a lot better than Wattpad simply because of the following reasons
          a) you get to review the books + rate them
          b) you get to make posts with images
          c) there is a content warning filter 
          plus loads more!
          I’m not sponsored btw I’m just super excited to have a new platform to project my work on!!
          as always, same username!


Hello everyone, 
          As some of you may have noticed there is a new update coming on the 6th of April that will stop user to user communication as in the private chat feature.
          In case you want to talk one to one with me or other people the only way would be either through the message board or following us on third party websites such as tumblr, instagram, TikTok etc 
          I have all of mine in my linktree in my bio <3
          hope you all are well!!


*meant to say the 6th of may 


@SaturnineCelestial it is making wattpad incredibly unlikable, as a book app it’s good but there’s no way you can build a community through it anymore 


God what is going with Wattpad these times… First the AI thing and now this…


          To Hold You Close has been translated by the wonderful @shiningstarlght and is now available on their profile, I will be adding it to my lists as well so you can have easy access!!
          Please go support it she’s done a wonderful job and honestly makes my formatting look so baddddd 
          Thank you!!!


Are we gonna get an update soon? Not to stress u ir's just.. It's been a while since we had an update and I miss it soo much  Anyway love ya girl


@shiningstarlght I’m more than grateful that you took on this huge feat, your formatting puts mine TO SHAMEEEE 


@ cottonsoxs  Thank you very much for allowing me to translate your precious work. ❤️