
Hi there I love book one when can you finish book two


Hi! Not sure…i’ve been experiencing some serious writers block…but i have a few drafts saved. I’m just so picky and peculiar about the direction I want book 2 to go in. But i promise it’ll be sooner than later! 


Where did you get the cover for “I found a boy” I can tell it’s actors from tv shows but I can’t remember their names any chance you know also I look forward to reading your book


Thank you! I actually don’t really remember how the cover came to be. I think I found it on a blog, and I just edited it to my own liking. And their names are Colton Haynes & Dylan O’brien btw! 


I really like your story


@SmartQueen67 it's ok as long as your mental health is ok.


Thank you so much! I’ve really been slacking on updating. I have so many drafts for the next chapter on the 2nd book, but I’ve been so busy and experiencing writers block. But I hope to update soon! I’ve been noticing that everyday people are commenting and rating my story! I need to get to work! 


I love your story so much ( "I found a boy") was just wondering when there would be an update?


@Snezzy12311 Oh my. I am so touched! Wow. I am at loss for words. I can't believe that my story did this for you. I am so happy that my story could affect you in a way that would make you feel better. I honestly don't know what to say. Never did I think that I would get this kind of response when I wrote this story. You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I could help you out with my story. :)


Thank you so much. I just have to say that your book really has helped me go through some tough times. When ever I felt angry, sad, or just did not want to deal with anything, I would go and read that book. So thank you.


Soon. I promise you. I've been working on it for weeks. 


Hi , just wanted to say I really like I found a boy, also I wanted to ask if all the chapter titles are songs or only some of them ? 


That's really awesome , some of the titles/songs I really like. That was am awesome touch to the story 


Oh thank you so much! I truly honestly love reading these type of comments. I'm glad that you like my story! To answer your question, yes. All the chapter names are songs of my choosing. The songs have a meaning that correlate with what that chapter is about. 