
          	So I've been thinking about rewriting the second book in my acotar fanfic. I'm super unhappy with how it has turned out so far. But I did want to ask you all your opinions on it.
          	So comment what you think I should do.


Hey you's been a while lol. Please read all of this.
          So, I know I haven't updated in a very long time and I'm sorry about that. Life has just come to bite me in the butt. I've had  a terrible year and now I just found out we might have to put down one of my pets (we don't know for sure but it's a possibility).  I know y'all probably don't want excuses. I'm trying hard to update things but I've been dealing with a lot lately. Updates might be a while from happening. 
          Thank you guys for sticking with my stories and my horrible writing for so long. If you have any ideas for things to happen in any of my stories please just comment them. I'm active here just not really updating due to issues. Again, I'm sorry for not updating. 
          Stay safe out there.


I'll try to keep you guys updated on what's happening.


soooo....anyone just get the urge to write a new story idea...all because of a fic you read...and now you want to write it but you have like 50 others that you need to you're screaming because you really want to write it but you don't want to let down the people who are reading what you've written so you have to quickly jot down your idea, hopping that you'll get to it at some point...but then become self-concious of your other stories which sends you into the loop of "i want to write this but i cant cause i have the others to finish first, but maybe if i discontinue them i might be able to write them, but i dont want to disapoint my readers".


@cosmic_stories09 I feel that rn, i havent updated my other book in ages lmao


@Ziro_G good to know I'm not alone lol 


Hi, welcome back to crappy stories written by a crappy writer!
          I'm your host: The Crappy Writer (who writes said crappy stories, cause all others are works of art)
          Today we'll be talking about how much I hate my writing and the stories I've written. Shall we begin?
          (hahahaha, this is a call for help)


@cosmic_stories09 will agree to disagree, because I love your content, and you grow from continuously writing


okay...opinion time:
          I'm thinking of rewriting my hold on story cause it's awful and I have no clue for the plot. Opinions??


@cosmic_stories09 Well I cant really give my opinion on something I havent reas but I'll take a look once I finish reading the 2 books of yours about Az and Kiran


Okay...I have a question for y'all. For book 2, is okay if the chapters are shorter? That way I can get them out sooner foryou guys to read them. Is that okay?


@cosmic_stories09 sure , anything you are comfortable with