
I'm back on that writing wagon, kids! Took a bit longer than I thought to get Blood Magik: The Reigning Dead into print, but I tackled that burly bandersnatch and handled it like a well-rusted noob (lofl) For those keeping score, that's 3 self-published novels now up on my website, ready and eager to be sold, signed, and thoroughly explored by your prying eyes. Get you some! =P And as for the only open story I have on here right now, I'm nearly done with the newest chapter so get caught up by reading the first 12-or-so of my urban-fantasy/comedy, The Journals of a Vampire Scribe before the new one drops. Thanks for your support! I appreciate all those who lend my craft their time and eyes. = ]


I'm back on that writing wagon, kids! Took a bit longer than I thought to get Blood Magik: The Reigning Dead into print, but I tackled that burly bandersnatch and handled it like a well-rusted noob (lofl) For those keeping score, that's 3 self-published novels now up on my website, ready and eager to be sold, signed, and thoroughly explored by your prying eyes. Get you some! =P And as for the only open story I have on here right now, I'm nearly done with the newest chapter so get caught up by reading the first 12-or-so of my urban-fantasy/comedy, The Journals of a Vampire Scribe before the new one drops. Thanks for your support! I appreciate all those who lend my craft their time and eyes. = ]


Absent much? Yep, that's me. Mr. Skip-Out-on-His-Wattpad-Responsibilities... I've just been tackling Book Two in my Blood Magik saga (Subtitled, The Reigning Dead), beefing up the chapters a bit to get it ready for self-publication. I was hoping to get it out by late October, but the first few chaps needed another intense overhaul. (Hopefully that won't be the case for the entire frucking thing, g*ddamn it...) I'm eager to get back to working on some of my newer novels, including "Journals of..." (which you should take a gander at if you haven't yet) but, in the meantime, be sure you give Blood Magik: A Cold Day in Hell (Book One) a solid look-at so you know if you want to get into the next one that'll be released soon (real soon...I think...). Download the ebook for free on, or read it on here, whichever you prefer. And if you like it, creep on over to my website, and get you a signed copy of the newest edition while it's still discounted. This is gonna be a hell-of-a contemporary, zombie-fantasy epic, people, that's only just getting started. Get it on it now so you can tell all your friends you were among the first to know about it after I get the call from Zack Snyder saying he's producing and directing the movie. (His 2006 remake of Dawn of the Dead was what originally got me into zombies and horror in the first place, so he should get the honor of adapting my first book to film. Also, dude's just an insanely badass action director. I mean, 300? Watchmen? Sucker Punch? The list goes on. Let's petition him to get back to his zombie roots by buying the rights to my book, shall we? ...Yes. Yes, we shall.) So slip on over to wherever you need to go to get you some of this Blood Magik action while it's just getting heated up for consumption and take a nice saucy bite. I promise, you (probably) won't regret it.  -cm


My last announcement got a red flag (for the F-bomb...) Can anyone who sees this let me know if the previous flagged announcement is visible? I just posted it so it should be dated as today (10/12). I don't know if it getting flagged means it's not visible to my followers or not. Thanks. =  ]


Anyone going to Midsummer Scream, the horror con in LA? I got a booth and will be pedaling a few of my novels there including the new Monster Movie edition of my Blood Magik novel.  If you're interested in the con, use the code BLOODMAGIK20 online to get 20% your tickets, and swing by my booth (1149) to get an autographed copy of one of my books (or just to say hi =  ]) See you if I do!  (And if you can't make it, checkout to get your hands on either of my current novels (including the Christmas/horror, stoner/comedy that isn't available on Wattpad.)


Hey, thanks for the follow! Feel free to PM anytime :)


@-shruti Yeah, I did. But I sort of took it as comedic over-exaggeration and tried not to take it so seriously. If you meant it seriously, I'm sorry things suck for you and hope they get better soon. =  ]


@corwynmatthew I'm glad that my bio made you smile but did you read the last line?


@-shruti thanks. =  ] I saw that you're an active user and I need more of those in my life =P and your bio made me smile.


1294 words tap-tap-tapped into my goofy vamp comedy novel this morning, topping of chapter 9 with a fun little cab ride twist. I'll probably upload chapter seven Wednesday-ish for those rioting hordes of you out there looking forward to new my material. lol... Stay tuned =P