
Hello, i’ve just gotten up to date with reading your Dune fic and I wanted to tell you that it is definitely the best dune fanfic i’ve read. You’re writing is amazing and I love what you are doing with the fic, all the things of your own that you are creating while still staying true to Dune is awesome.  I can’t wait for you to update and continue to read it. 


Thank you soooo much! I am so happy you are enjoying my story! I am dyslexic and have always been insecure about my writing, so it makes me so motivated and happy when others actually enjoy and likes it, so thank you a thousand times!


          My name is Victoria Adelaide and I just wanted to say you are really talented with writing.
          I was wondering if your active and if you could continue writing/publishing your young Prince Charles fanfic?
          Anyhow... I hope you're well.
          (follow my instagram, @y.ourshenry)
          - yourshenry