
So just a fyi I'm asexual and I didn't know what "smut" meant. Fukin clicked on a Marvel smut thinking it was like one-shots. Apparently, I walked in on Star-Lord masturbating. Lmao help, I need to get that image out of my brain so if any of you know how to suppress memories that would be great.


@LauraKay2003 awwh I wish I could send help lmao we both need therapy now


@confusedm8 also - you've basically got to substitue the memory with something else, or like try to block it out - even though the memory is so VIVID
          	  Please send help - Im dying and i hate having this stuck in my head :,(


this message may be offensive
@confusedm8 oh no, why do thoughts have to be contagious, shit
          	  Now im thinking of it and im dying - help, please send help


So just a fyi I'm asexual and I didn't know what "smut" meant. Fukin clicked on a Marvel smut thinking it was like one-shots. Apparently, I walked in on Star-Lord masturbating. Lmao help, I need to get that image out of my brain so if any of you know how to suppress memories that would be great.


@LauraKay2003 awwh I wish I could send help lmao we both need therapy now


@confusedm8 also - you've basically got to substitue the memory with something else, or like try to block it out - even though the memory is so VIVID
            Please send help - Im dying and i hate having this stuck in my head :,(


this message may be offensive
@confusedm8 oh no, why do thoughts have to be contagious, shit
            Now im thinking of it and im dying - help, please send help


Hey guys. I am thinking about making a book filled with some funny one-shots and oneliners that I might use in books in the future but I'm too lazy to at the mo(ment). I don't mind if you use some of my original ones but comment some that you would want me to use or add. Or maybe some other topics I could add to the book as well. Like plot ideas or jokes or idk. Help, it's late.


I love your story!!! Can't wait for the next update


@ChatNoirLoverGirl54  Oh my gosh thank you so so so much! I am extremely busy with school at the moment and I am trying to find a way to transition easily into more of Thirteen's POV and chapter 11 has been proving difficult since it is El's name and I want to do something special.