
Wtf, wattpad just deleted three out of four of my reading list of books that weren’t completed, which sucks cause I have a terrible memory and I’m not going to remember what books were on that list


Hey love❤️ I hope you’re doing okay during this time. There’s a book I would love it if you could please check out. Its really good. You’ll need a tea cup for all the drama you’ll have to sip. There’s drama comedy mystery & romance it has everything. I know you’ll enjoy it and I would love to hear your opinion on it. #supportblackwriters 


I feel like I'm seeing writers from wattpad stories in movies or in television shows and if that really truly congrats to all those writers that have succeeded in reaching that goal. But I also feel like television and movie writers are taking plots from wattpad and using it in their own films and shows.


like this show called "The Arrangement," it's plot and title is basically like the same as books I've read on here but the girl isn't usually famous already.


Can someone recommend me a completed book? All the books I want to read are uncompleted. 


@untoldfables I’m open to any types of books.


@cocabutterx What kind of books do you like to read?