
ya girl just posted the rewritten first chap of 'mixtapes' if you wanna check it out!! comments and feedback always super appreciated


hey everyone!! sorry i haven't been updating 'mixtapes' regularly; it's cause i've been re-writing (lol) which i know is weird considering there's like, two chapters. but. i really didn't like the pacing and i got a lot of good feedback regarding how confusing it was at the start so i rewrote it! and will be publishing changes today or tom, if you're interested (: (same characters and idea!!)


hey how are y'all doing?? feel free to msg me btw if you have any q's or requests (i'd like to think i make good aesthetics/ covers) 
          hope you guys having a great day wherever you are <3
          ps: im uploading a new contemporary w a dash of mystery (ish??)  later w an artsy girl, a cute boy and a road trip if ur interested !!