
Not to send anyone into cardiac arrest... but 2 years later and I'm back. Hit me the f up.


Hey, you still active?


I was reading through our old messages now that I'm back, and you're like one of the few users i follow that are still active lol.


@cloppityclippity OH HEY HI YOU'RE HERE. I had a chapter of one of my fics dedicated to you, and my inbox is flooded with old messages, so I'm totally trying to remember you lol.


Hai! ^~^
          So…*looks at the ground, kicking a pebble*
          Your writing is one where I can read over and over without getting tired of.
          It's really good. And the descriptions of characters and such?
          There's plenty of humor, mystery, and amazingness throughout!
          I always ended up laughing and smiling.
          Speaking of always…
          "After all this time?
          Lol, just had to…
          Oh! And when Jak appears…*grins* *laughs* *wipes away tears of laughter*
          And the something Instant Darkness Ponder?
          Loved that!
          Continuing on, Piper! He's pretty amazing, awesome, and just the best!
          Good job on creating his wonderful personality!
          : D
          I really should finish re-reading though…and read the other books you have. Well, *adds/re-adds them on my to-do list*
          Sadly I still have homework to do…*sigh* Oh well…have an excellent day/night!


            I finished re-reading! It was great! 
            Aw, thanks!


@SALLYSTONERULES omg that is so sweet. Im crying. From my nose though, I have a cold. But nonetheless thats incredibley sweet and I love you.


Hey guys, I just want to let you know, due to some recent copyright infringements, that my characters are no longer up for use in others stories. This of course is to the exception of those few authors I have previously given my permission to.
          If you do come across any characters in  RotG fanfictions that bear a beyond coincidental likeness to my own, please please please let me know. 


Dear cloppityclippity, 
          I posted a message for you on your story 'The Other Potter'. I don't know if I'm right so correct me if I'm writing get on this,  but it sounded like you were having second thoughts about continuing the book. I'm a writer myself, and I can't stand to see people give up on a story; especially when it's a good one. The message is quite long, but I still wanted you to read it and give it a reply.
          Live Long and Prosper, 
          Vanity Anity Insanity