
The second reason is because I've had almost no energy and I've just been feeling awful lately, not just mentally but physically too. I would just like to start this little rant by saying that if you ever called someone fat as an insult, please never read my stories again. If you justify fatphobia by saying you care about their health when you clearly don't, please never read my stories again. If your only response to people being comfortable in their own skin is "it's only okay if you aren't fat," please never read my stories again. If you justify pressuring girls or people in general to constantly watch their weight by saying you only care about your health, please never read my stories again. I don't want you on my page again. Hating yourself isn't healthy. Constantly overworking yourself isn't healthy. Being underweight and still feeling guilty for not throwing out half of your dinner isn't healthy. I've been struggling especially for the past month with my body image and I wouldn't say I have anorexia but I'm definitely not eating right. I won't allow myself to have lunch most days, and I feel guilty for even eating half a yogurt for breakfast and I won't let myself eat a whole dinner either. I'm constantly checking how many calories I'm eating and I won't eat anything more than 200. I'm really unhealthy right now and you can't even pretend it's not from being told since the day I was born that my main concern should be staying skinny. I found out that I've lost ten pounds so far and I was underweight to begin with. That isn't healthy. To all the girls who are struggling with their body image right now, please don't go down the same path as me. It's awful and I know it's not healthy but I just can't eat like a normal person without feeling bad about it. You don't want to start this because once you start it's like you can't stop and it's horrible. You are beautiful the way you are. Please treat your bodies kindly.


I know how you feel I haven’t been eating lunch or breakfast and a small amount of dinner and I almost fainted the other day at school stay strong b ily xoxo


I just want to tell you I'm such a big fan and I really appreciate your work. I love how much emotion you put into it. I think your so brave for facing each day and that you're seriously an  amazing person. 


@LivetoReadWrite thank you so much! I haven’t been on wattpad in a while and I don’t really write anymore but this message made me smile so much!


I just wanted to let you know that there’s a Savior out there who loves you. Jesus came to earth, paid the price we could never pay by dying the death we deserved. No matter what we’ve done, if we turn to Him for forgiveness, He will forgive. 
          If you believe this, pass this message to as many people as you want. I won’t be offended if you decide not to. This is your choice.
          I hope you have an amazing day :)


The second reason is because I've had almost no energy and I've just been feeling awful lately, not just mentally but physically too. I would just like to start this little rant by saying that if you ever called someone fat as an insult, please never read my stories again. If you justify fatphobia by saying you care about their health when you clearly don't, please never read my stories again. If your only response to people being comfortable in their own skin is "it's only okay if you aren't fat," please never read my stories again. If you justify pressuring girls or people in general to constantly watch their weight by saying you only care about your health, please never read my stories again. I don't want you on my page again. Hating yourself isn't healthy. Constantly overworking yourself isn't healthy. Being underweight and still feeling guilty for not throwing out half of your dinner isn't healthy. I've been struggling especially for the past month with my body image and I wouldn't say I have anorexia but I'm definitely not eating right. I won't allow myself to have lunch most days, and I feel guilty for even eating half a yogurt for breakfast and I won't let myself eat a whole dinner either. I'm constantly checking how many calories I'm eating and I won't eat anything more than 200. I'm really unhealthy right now and you can't even pretend it's not from being told since the day I was born that my main concern should be staying skinny. I found out that I've lost ten pounds so far and I was underweight to begin with. That isn't healthy. To all the girls who are struggling with their body image right now, please don't go down the same path as me. It's awful and I know it's not healthy but I just can't eat like a normal person without feeling bad about it. You don't want to start this because once you start it's like you can't stop and it's horrible. You are beautiful the way you are. Please treat your bodies kindly.


I know how you feel I haven’t been eating lunch or breakfast and a small amount of dinner and I almost fainted the other day at school stay strong b ily xoxo


Hey everybody. I don't expect a lot of people to see this but I wanted to give you all an explanation for why I've been pretty much gone for the past two months. There are two main reasons why I haven't been active. The first is that cheer has been getting me really down lately. It's at that point in the year again where everyone is constantly blaming me for everything because they don't want to take responsibility. I'm willing to do this sport until my body breaks and I'm sick of second guessing myself for being completely dedicated to something just because a bunch of jerks who wouldn't even give it an extra minute of thought want to push their own faults and blame onto somebody else. I'm tired of letting other people tell me that my best isn't good enough when they don't even put in half the effort. They can blame me all they want, but pretending they aren't doing anything wrong won't make them better. I'm tired of thinking I'm not good enough.


@clementine103 I think you're good enough, you put a smile on my face every single time you update ( and not in a creepy way lol) your well being matters to me and your true followers. I'll be praying for you if you believe in that. I know someone dearest to me who went through the same thing but with love and support she got better. You're probably tired of hearing of this so I'll stop.
            Love, StayTrash ♥️
            This goes to your most recent update too<3 ♥️


I hope you write more on the Pineapple story I’m in love with it!


have fun on vacation!Keep up the amazing work!


@xoxomadiiiiiii I'm so happy to know you like it I'm on vacation right now but I go back to my home for a week on Sunday and I'm planning on writing the next chapter then


Hey guys! So in case you didn't hear, I will be discontinuing all of my current stories because I lost the files for them and don't know how to leave off on them all. I'll still be leaving them up in case anyone wants to still reread them and also because they're a reminder of how far I've come as a writer. I will still continue writing, just not those particular stories. I'm also going to be expanding my writing into other fandoms too, such as TGGBB(my recent oneshot book) and maybe make a few independent books. I hope you guys can check them out and hope you guys like them and I can't wait to keep writing and hearing what you guys have to say :D


@TYV0RE I'm afraid not. If there's a book you'd like me to rewrite though(so I can make it better and then continue writing it) then feel free to tell me which one and I'll see if I can


@clementine103 So you'll never continue that MCSM fic? :(


We totally understand! Just as long as you keep up the good(super awesome) stories!