
Okay... I know I've been slacking on posting. I'm sorry. I have a lot of things in the works right now. Also school has just started back up for me so that may delay things. But on a good note I did just get a laptop so writing will (hopefully) be easier. Up until this very message, I've only ever had my phones to write on so I am hoping it'll be easier now. I hope you all will understand.


          	  Would love to know if you ever finished "Give the Devil His Due". I'd love to read whatever else you may have written on it.


Okay... I know I've been slacking on posting. I'm sorry. I have a lot of things in the works right now. Also school has just started back up for me so that may delay things. But on a good note I did just get a laptop so writing will (hopefully) be easier. Up until this very message, I've only ever had my phones to write on so I am hoping it'll be easier now. I hope you all will understand.


            Would love to know if you ever finished "Give the Devil His Due". I'd love to read whatever else you may have written on it.


You’re legit in most of the same fandoms as me????
          SPN(I’m only on s7), I’m also a slytherin, I love Hamilton, I adored Percy Jackson and Hunger Games, and I love Bucky and Loki but also Steve too??
          (Hi I’m Nicole nice to meet you lmao)


Hi Nicole. That’s wild and yes I’m totally down to be friends!!!!


New chapter of “Angel in Hell” has been posted!!! 
          The next chapter will be about the “French Mistake” episode and I am honestly super excited to write it. I have all the characters up to 31 planned out with what episode(s) they go with so I just need to find the time to sit down and write. 
          Thank you guys so much for 2000 reads!!! It absolutely blows my mind!!! Feel free to comment and give feed back!!! I love hearing from y’all!! 


Hey so idk if y’all would read it too but I have the first part to my Lucifer x reader book. It is completely different from my Castiel x reader book the only similarity is the use of soulmates but it is being used completely differently for the two books. Unlike the Castiel book this one won’t follow the show as much. Also if this first book does decently well then I have a few more lined up to make.  


Update on my Supernatural book:
          First of all never expected it to take off like it has it’s almost to 1000 readers which for me is insane. I’ve worked hard on it and will continue to do so, I plan on following the show up until it’s current season (I’m currently watching season 12) obviously I have a lot to go seeing as the last chapter was set in season 6. 
          Just a few stats on the book: 
          The whole book as of today has 21 chapters 
          A total of 47,011 words 
          And an average of roughly 2,239 words per chapter although many do not pass 2000 and one is actually in the 5000. 
          I hope you have been enjoying it if you’re reading it because I truly enjoy writing it. 
          Feedback is always welcome even if it’s just a silly little comment I’d love to hear from y’all.