
Hey amores! I have been quite busy with everything and I am currently on AO3 and I plan on rewriting Unexpected Love on here. Or completely write a new one, I am planning on posting it on AO3 which is “chococrepe” I am currently writing a Harry Potter fanfic. Well I have five projects currently so ill see how far ill get <3 but I am excited to dive deeper into this old fanfic of mine. Let me know your thoughts!


Hey amores! I have been quite busy with everything and I am currently on AO3 and I plan on rewriting Unexpected Love on here. Or completely write a new one, I am planning on posting it on AO3 which is “chococrepe” I am currently writing a Harry Potter fanfic. Well I have five projects currently so ill see how far ill get <3 but I am excited to dive deeper into this old fanfic of mine. Let me know your thoughts!


I am currently in a creativity block, do any of you have suggestion or a wish to what I could write next?


@holy_mxl I have some rough ideas ( NagiKae).. but I'm not that talented in writing so can I give my ideas to you? If yes this is it:
            1) time : 3E
            2) after Kayano reveals tentacles
            3)show savage / strong  side
            4) Nagisa likes Kayano but he is just too dense that he don't know his true feelings
            5) Kayano likes Nagisa but pretend not to blush and stuter Infront of him. Savage level decrease when nagisa is close.
            6) author ideas......
            7) time skip when they are adults
            Fill the blank... With your ideas 
            8) Kayano and Itona  gets abducted by Yanagisawa's team.. whatever u call the tentacles society.
            9) gets tentacles back
            10) the class trying to save them
             I will give the ending to you
            Oh and English is not my first language so if u get confused of what I'm trying to say.. I'm sorry