
Stupid core is collectively going out with coworkers and friends and then a sudden tornado and storm pops up and they all decide to go outside on the porch and sm*ke and have fun while getting scared shitless with all of the jump scares with the thunder. 


Stupid core is collectively going out with coworkers and friends and then a sudden tornado and storm pops up and they all decide to go outside on the porch and sm*ke and have fun while getting scared shitless with all of the jump scares with the thunder. 


Official schedule and notice 
          Lit my soul current progress : [updates on the weekends or weekdays, but will be an update rather sooner then later] 
          | Should be done with in the next two months 
          My assassin progress : [updates coming soon, part 1 and part 2 will be posted at the same time]
          | Should be done with in the next few weeks 
          Royals progress : [still being made; won’t be done for a while]
          Upcoming books spoilers and teasers 
          : Nostalgic will officially be updated once my assassin or lit my soul finishes first, and will be uploaded with at least 3 chapters to apologize for the hiatus.
          : MNS [New book/woosan] will be uploaded when the second book has completed. (Either or any of them that get completed)
          : L’amour de ma vie [New book/girls love] will be uploaded but have not made a decision on when. 
          Anymore questions please reply to this post and ask them here and I’ll do my best to give you as much information without spoiling too much in the future.


@chimmydiorrr wow my assassin is almost done huh in just a few more weeks that hurts


This is a basic Q&A for those of you who are confused with my assassin, I’m getting many comments about those and I want to lessen your worries or answer anything you guys have. So if you do, write them down here and I’ll answer as soon as I can. 


@chimmydiorrr OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now thats makes so smartttt. dawm sorryyy for asking again


@xaiooooo what do you mean with Felix taken? And no Hyunjin isn’t a clone but at the end of the last chapter before the epilogue. It was mentioned by Niki that Hyunjin was taken away by the organization when they found the remains of what happened. Surprisingly he was alive, and so with that chance, they brainwashed him into thinking that the mission was still in place and he doesn’t remember anything about the conversation he and Felix had. It’s like his hatred never left and all he last remembers was Felix leaving. 


@chimmydiorrr ok so I don't get it is Felix like taken ? also is hyunjin like a clone or smth?


Hi guys, I’m here to inform you that I’ve currently put nostalgic remorse on hiatus. This was a hard decision knowing that it’s becoming a popular book of mine and is being added to many reading list, but the storyline is too complex for me to keep up with under the other stories I have right now. For now I’ll still continue to publish chapters to lit my soul, my assassin, royals and the final chapter to safety. Once one of those are done, is when nostalgic will be published again. I am sorry for having to do this but I hope you guys understand my actions. Thank you and expect an update here soon


can someone explain what happened to Hyunjin im so confused sorryyy


ahhhhhhhh ok tyyyyyyyyy


@xaiooooo yes brainwashed! You will find out that actual origin for what’s happened to him most likely in the next 5 chapters since by this time Felix and Hyunjin will be alone 


oh rlly? am I just blind or dumb cuz I only saw  abt brain washed


For any of those who need Webtoon’s to read. I’d highly recommend school bus graveyard. It’s a thriller fic but the friendship and the storyline and some of the moments and the cliffhangers left me feeling so many emotions. Stayed up all night reading it. Definitely a 10/10


@chimmydiorrr fr u shld save the money or smt


@_Mikkuu_ yea it was a serious issue 


Late birthday message, I’ve been writing all day. But happy birthday to the loml and the cause of my daily mental health problems and of many (this is satire) he’s becoming more old every year and it’s sickening (I’m also joking) haha. 


Hi guys, do to some concerns and statements and follow ups I’ve been getting from followers and from other people on the platform, I will most likely be starting to publish more of my works on the Ao3 platform until I finish the remaining ones I have to update now. The community guidelines are now restricting authors from updating and removing their accounts entirely and I want to refrain from it happening further.  


@automaticdazekingdom same as on here, chimmydiorrr!


@chimmydiorrr drop the name of your account love