
Hey guys…
          	I’ve been thinking a lot about editing The Master and making a few changes to some of the story. Like a second and final edition of the book complete with the epilogue (that I’ve been withholding till now to post it with the improved version or not). So I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not, nor do I know how to go about it because I’ve never rewritten a book before so I don’t know if I should do it piece by piece? A chapter a day? What do you think? A few suggestions would help. And thank you for blowing my notifications up with this book ❤️


@cherrykimono7 Big thumps up from me! Thank you, but please don't stress over it.


@cherrykimono7, just do whatever you think is best, and you could go piece by piece if the changes are not so drastic


This is my favorite book on Wattpad so I am so here for this! I don’t really know what you mean by piece by piece so I can’t say, but I would love to see a chapter a day. However, that sounds incredibly ambitious and I don’t know what your time is like plus sometimes life just gets in the way. So. I would say go with your gut and do what feels right. I wonder, do you have any additional plans for The Master’s Assistant? 


Hey guys…
          I’ve been thinking a lot about editing The Master and making a few changes to some of the story. Like a second and final edition of the book complete with the epilogue (that I’ve been withholding till now to post it with the improved version or not). So I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not, nor do I know how to go about it because I’ve never rewritten a book before so I don’t know if I should do it piece by piece? A chapter a day? What do you think? A few suggestions would help. And thank you for blowing my notifications up with this book ❤️


@cherrykimono7 Big thumps up from me! Thank you, but please don't stress over it.


@cherrykimono7, just do whatever you think is best, and you could go piece by piece if the changes are not so drastic


This is my favorite book on Wattpad so I am so here for this! I don’t really know what you mean by piece by piece so I can’t say, but I would love to see a chapter a day. However, that sounds incredibly ambitious and I don’t know what your time is like plus sometimes life just gets in the way. So. I would say go with your gut and do what feels right. I wonder, do you have any additional plans for The Master’s Assistant? 


Wattpad is increasing the age of consent in stories to 18+ (from 16) on April 15. They are also using AI for content moderation.
          Additionally, this is a good time to ensure that stories are saved somewhere outside of Wattpad. 
          Just wanted to provide this information, even if it has no direct impact.
          For more information, see or the mega-thread on the Wattpad subreddit.


The master is so epic. I wish there were more books like this. I loved it author. Will you write something about Beaumont and Nicholas i would love to see that story someday.


@angela_mwaniki heyyy love, I apologize for the super late response but yeah, the book is in the works but I can’t say yet about when it will be published


Hello author! , I would just like to say I really love the way you wrote master I haven’t read any of your other books yet but I can already tell they’re gonna be amazing.


@hyunjinlovesfelixxxx late reply but thank you so much! ❤️
