

bts has saved my life and have saved me from myself countless of times, the love and appreciation i have for them is beyond compare. their lyrics, their upbringing, the way they’re themselves with no regrets, have motivated me to see the world in a different light. that not everyone is gonna like you and that’s okay, that not everyone is going to be your friend forever and that’s okay, that people that are your friends are going to like other people more than they like you and that’s okay. as long as you know who you are and follow your dreams, your life will be worth it. there’s no way to hide from your sufferings so embrace them, but no matter what, don’t give into them because once you do, that’s when you’ve lost yourself. everyday, people are leaving my life. everyday, people are replacing me with other. everyday, people are loving others more than they love me. everyday, people are hating me. but everyday, i gain a new friend. everyday, i talk to my current ones. everyday, someone loves me, even if it’s just a little. everyday, i make someone happy. i’m on the journey of loving myself. and it’s going to be hard, but i’ll get there. maybe i never will, but i will continue to try.
          “love yourself, speak yourself.” thank you, bts. in my heart, forever and always, you will never be replaced


this is inspirational but did you type this and not reply c:


it has almost been 700 days with taehyung uwu the way that’s lasted more than like 3/4ths of my friendships 


it happens and i get easily shoved under a rug but like i don’t care(?) iF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LMAO

