
hello everyone! i’m baaaack! 


Hi. You probably get this from a bajillion people but I just really love Midnight. Its just one of those really cliche but really heartwrenching kind of books that you just wanna pick up over and over again. Like... I added it to my library last year and it hasn't left my librart ever since... I'm always rereading it and I can't stop. 
          Midnight is really a beautiful twist om Cinderella. Especially since you used poetry as your glass slipper. Literature is my other ultimate bae. 
          Anywaysss. Your book is my number one go to whether I'm happy or sad or anything and I've reread it go knows how many times and I just thought that you deserved more recognition. 
          I have... in fact... thought of actually translating your book into Malay. But I'm really bad at it considering that its my native language but I was brought up with English. 
          THIs is becoming really lengthy... so to end it off.
          ILY SENPAI!!!!!


Hi, I'v just read your Muke's fan fiction and I'd loved it so much. Now, I know that maybe I'm annoying, but I would like to translate your story in Italian, because it deserves to be read by anyone. I hope you will answer me, as soon as possible. All the love xx


hey, i just want to say that i had so much fun reading midnight, and that your fic is one of my favorites now :) i really loved it! i laughed so much with your history, and i had a love-hate relationship with ash in the beginning haha but like, you wrote it so beautifully, and the poem too, is beautiful, like, i could picture the michael of the fic writing it for luke, it was really cute :) congratulations for your story and thank you so much for posting it <3
          i'd like to ask you something too, like, would you let me translate it? because we don't have so many muke fics in portuguese, and yours is amazing, id really like to show for more people who can't read in english :)
          anyway, ive talked so much omg! i hope that you are okay, and i want to say that you're really talented!
          have a nice day, love <3


@hemmocide you're welcome, but really, it's nothing but the true :) you are a beautiful person too <3 and of course i will credit you, it will be the first thing i will do, don't worry :) 
            could you like, send me the history? 'cause i can't copy from wattpad and all. 
            i'm really thankful for your permision, you're really amazing <3


I think this is the sweetest thing I've ever read thank you so much you are a beautiful person. And of course you can just be sure to credit me.


Hello! Just like to say that I loved Midnight and I really think you should write a sequel. If not, I totally understand! lots of love :)


Sorry I'm just now getting around to replying and thank you so much for reading it. Unfortunately I'm not planning on writing a sequel anytime soon.